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Steve Hartmann (chompers)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-03-20 - 12:15 AM
DominionVorta swarm Version II (dud)
Made some big mistakes by changing the deck without checking the skill count. Accidentally removed a heap of leadership which was required by 3 of my four missions. Spent many games unable to do my missions ... the deck would still be competitive if this issue was addressed. Tuvix trick creates more problems than it is worth but Weyoun Scheming Negotiator works well.

Round 1Klingon SmileyML (0)
I had four Leadership personnel in the deck (which includes 2 x Gelnon). Unaware of this I killed off Gelnon using Tuvix and then discarded the second one in an attempt to solve the problem. Unable to solve three of my four missions i am stranded on 35 points. Also learnt the hard way that Klag hoses An Issue of Trust and Personnel Duty. Even so .. I manage to use my dilemmas well enough to force a timed result. I knew today would be a ling one.

Round 2ByeBY (0)
I hate byes

Round 3TNGKierenFL (0)
Leadership issue hits again but not because I have discarded them. I find myself stranded on 45 points without drawing any At What Cost, Hollow Pleasantries or Yelgrun. Two turns in a row I risk drawing 7 cards in hope of hitting any of these cards. I fail and discard 14 cards. On my turn attempting the same strategy I finally get At What Cost and spend 28 counters in one turn. I deck myself and play a heap of free Vorta. Lack of ships (and Duran'Adar) means I get stranded on 95 points (again ... this was the problem last tournament. I need to relook at my mission selection. Full loss.

Round 4BorgPeter HillTT (0)
Leadership again is the problem. I manage to get to 75 points. Peter is on 65 in his final turn and my dilemma pile has taken its toll. He plays two events to score 10 points based on one personnel he assimilated and that was now in my brig. True tie - 75 points each. Lots of fun this game and my first ever true tie.