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Steve Hartmann (chompers)
Tournament Report - 1E
2014-01-03 - 06:00 PM
KlingonLegitimate TNG Klingons
We nearly got 8 for this tournament. Abe was coming but had to drop at the last moment. We also linked up with 2 ex 1E players both of whom are keen to play in the future. We are having a break for January holidays and will hopefully have 10 for the next event in February. For this event we will be going full virtual.

Round 1FederationCraig GiblettFW (+65)
Craig made the long trek out after work to Penrith. He hadn't played since contintals. The restriction of block dilemmas was tellng as both Craig and I flew through dilemmas. Craig got stuck at Ornaran Threat for two turns which was enough for me to take the win.

Round 2Ferengi SmileyFL (-65)
Mike and I placed outposts next to each other. Mike wanted card draws from Duck Blind and got a heap of Ferengi stopped on his planet. I had lots of Klingons and the universals were strength +2 - seemed like a good time to do some killing. In the end, two Ferengi dead was disappointing. Mike declared war and went after my ships. We locked each other down for a few turns and cautiously went about solving. Mike struggled for skills but he had more ships than me. In the end he managed to locate the necessary skills and stole the win.

Round 3Klingonjws8888FW (+70)
James wanted to blow everything up but I got lucky and drew into my ships before he got his. I setup a blockade of four ships to his two. He was only able to attempt two of his planet missions whilst I went and solved my own.

Round 4FerengiAndrew WalkerFW (+70)
This game played out similar to the one with James. Andrew couldn;t solve and couldn't attempt or he's lose his ships. My fleet managed to setup the win before Andrew was able to get into his final mission attempt.

Closing Thoughts
Lots of fun. Disappointed to miss the all TNG achievement - need to read the criteria for acheivements better next time. With plans to play reduced card pool tournaments for the forseeable future at Penrith the chances of earning acheivements is pretty much lost which kinda sucks. Oh well.