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Rick Kinney (T-Ricks)
Tournament Report - Tr - Worlds
2017-10-06 - 08:00 PM
Orlando Regional
This is just a pretty good mix/ratio of cards including some big money cards.

Round 1 ()
Josh took an early lead but I caught up over the next few rounds and was leading going into the last round. I was at Odo a few times but couldn't seem to go out for the win.

Closing Thoughts
Josh deserved to win this - without him, I wouldn't have scored the most Tribbles in one game that I've ever scored. Having said that, I sat with a 100,000 Dabo in my hand for at least three turns, WAITING for Ted to play more than one power (which he had been doing all game). Had he done that, I would have gone out in the last round for the World Championship. Instead, Josh did, and as I said, he deserved the win. It was a great high-scoring game for almost everyone.