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Brian S (JeBuS)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2020-04-10 - 01:00 AM
DominionFederationTNZ Yutes
The Neutral Zone set brought some surprising (to me) tools for Dominion. So I figured I'd give them a whirl by dropping them into a variant of an old deck, to see if they improved the deck.

Round 1BajoranPopeFL (-100)
Pope played a Ferengi Cargo Run deck. He was moving a lot of cargo, very nearly all the way from one end of the spaceline to the other and back again, every turn. Lots of Plasmadyne Relays. He got about halfway through his deck when I figured I needed to slow it down some. So I took three ships out to fight off the middle ship of his relay race. Sure, I took out a ship and damaged another. But he took out mine, too. Ablative Armor plus Plasmadynes makes for some big, fast ships. With about 25min left, the server started crashing. We would play a couple turns, then get disconnected. Eventually, with the score sitting at 8-7, we figured it was time to try scoring real points. My guys got stopped. His didn’t. Final score was 100-0 (133-7) FL.

Round 2ByeBY (0)

Round 3Non-AlignedPaddy TyeFL (-50)
Paddy was playing an android deck. I wasn’t able to get any Young Jemmies the first 4 or 5 turns, so my draws were very limited. I did get Where No Man Has Gone Before, which let me use my Attack Ship to go back and forth for a card draw most turns. He eventually went out and started attempting at Police Trade Route, under which he had self-seeds. He hit a random Dead End there, which was just about the perfect place for it. He didn’t have the range to fly away. So on my turn, I put out the Battleship and went and destroyed his Pralor ship, since the Wormhole was adjacent to Patrol mission, scoring 10 points from Ultimatum. I finally started getting into the big draws and playing lots of jemmies. He built up his forces again, putting out another ship. He attempted at Provide Purpose and hit the Assimilated Vessel while his ship was empty. It hit his ship for 2 damage markers. So on my turn I flew the Battleship over and finished off the empty ship. He still managed to complete Provide Purpose for 30 points. On my next turn, I flew the beefed up Battleship to the end of the spaceline and just barely stole his Host Metaphasic mission for 40 points. I didn’t have the range to fly back, but it didn’t really matter. On his next turn, Paddy put out another ship and scored 50 at Access Archives and another 40 at Police Trade Route for the win. Final score was 100-50 (120-50) FL.

Round 4DominionFederationAustin ChandlerFW (+100)
Austin played a Dominion / Fed deck. It was very weird that we basically couldn’t fight each other. I stupidly played a Young Jemmie turn 1 and he brought out White Deprivation. My Youngling killed my mission specialists and then died himself. Needless to say, it took me many many turns to build up personnel while keeping them all safe with White. Assimilated Vessel came out to score me 10 points early. After that, we just didn’t accomplish much. I probed the Karemma mission to see what was there, but couldn't get through it yet. Spent most of the game figuring I was going to lose without scoring any mission points. Managed to get enough folks together to get past the dilemmas on the last turn. Then with the range of the Battleship, I figured why not go through the wormhole and take a poke at the Construct Depot next door? Managed to pass it, so tried again: moved to the other Construct Depot next to it. Passed through it easily, too. Shockingly, I scored 90 points just after the timer sounded for the last turn. Final score was 100-0 FW.

Closing Thoughts
Overall, I think the new [AU] Jemmie is a nice little booster shot for Dominion. The missions never factored in, really. If I was a better player, I might have done a bit better in the tournament. But, it's not a particularly good deck, and I'm not a particularly good player, so probably had no shot at the top.