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Stuart Marsh (SAM2000)
Tournament Report - 1E Modern - Omarion Nebula Regional
2011-06-19 - 10:30 AM
RomulanThe Romulan Ambush
I can certainly say this was a great tournament – but for me it was also one with a critical problem time! I had come with a truly European style 135 card draw deck, and a complex interaction strategy which was set to use Raptor One, Target Shields, Romulan Ambush, Outgunned and the Goraxus to take control of the game! I had also designed the deck to mission steel. Knowing that Historical Research and Espionage Mission were both common missions I set everything I needed to mission steel in turn 2. The deck actually worked well and in most games I did achieve a tactical air power superiority – but at the cost of time. Every game I played went to time – and every game could have turned out differently had there been 1-2 turns more, and in one case 10 seconds more..... It’s always a problem in ST:CCG 1E tournament play – are interactive decks at a disadvantage because of their complexity over mission solvers in the timed environment... but all that said my deck did what it did and I enjoyed the day!

Round 1Non-AlignedFederationThomas OlleyMW (+52)
Tom was playing a solid Federation/Non-Aligned deck with cybernetics and androids but unfortunately he was playing Wormhole Negotiations [45 Points] and Universal Mission and Cultural Observation [40 points]. This gave me some very tempting targets for mission stealing. I had seeded a dead end under his universal mission – so when I encountered that I used a Dropping in to nullify it. I then moved on to steel wormhole negotiations at which I has seeded a dilemma I could overcome and a scout encounter (which as he didn’t have any scout ships in his deck was discarded). Thom had also got going and scored 30 points from a planet mission but he then hit a damage dilemma and I flipped 2 target shields onto his Future Enterprise. He moved the Future Enterprise back to his outpost but I moved my Raptor 1 and continues to attack the docked Future Enterprise with target shields so that effectively it couldn’t repair. At this point I bought the Goraxus over to his facility and he then made the mistake of undocking at which point I [DL] Romulan Ambush destroying his ship. I now went back to mission solving and completed one of my planet missions but at a cost of -20 points due to an Edo-probe/Lack of Prep combo while I was sending teams of three down to redshirt. I moved over to steel his Cultural Obseravtion but was stopped by a lack of Anthropology then time was called. MW 87-30

Round 2RomulanDanny NuttallML (-20)View opponent's Report
This was an epic Romulan v’s Romulan power struggle. My 135 card deck v’s Danny’s 60 card deck! It was a strange seed phase with both of us seeding Romulus, both HQ’s and the Drone Control Room, but it turned out Romulus was the only mission we doubled up on. Danny had seeded Historical research with The Guardian of Forever which was his primary draw engine – but I had designed by deck to specifically target that mission. I used Defend Homeworld for Daniels and go Vash (Life from Lifelessness) from my Q’s Tent and along with my mission specialist I had the skills and the ship to steal the mission in turn 2. I had seeded Lack of Preparation and Duenetic Field generator there. I would have preferred to use dead end but I was concerned that he would steel my Quash Conspiracy as it was a 40 point mission. I moved my ship over to Historical Research in turn 2, beamed down three people completed the mission then used the Guardian of Forever to travel to the Drone control room. I have 45 points 40 + 5 mission specialist points and I though I was in a good place – but I had undermined my key deck strategy by leaving the Goraxus in space. By the time I had retrieved it Danny had completed 2 missions. I had HQ: Defensive Measures in my Q’s Tent but I wasn’t able to get the Goraxus into position to attack him before he completed his missions and then time was called... ML 65-45

Round 3BorgMarcus SmithML (-15)View opponent's Report
Marcus was playing the classic Borg Scout ship deck (or as we used to call it the “Borg Shopping Trolley Deck”). He had alpha, gamma, and delta missions. He started off reporting a scout ship to the gamma quadrant and scouted a space mission and straight away hit one of my damage dilemmas. Two target shields took his scout ships shields to 0! I reported Raptor One to his location and used an Outgunned... It must be the only time a weapons 3 ship would ever manage to outgun another ship. Over the course of the next few turns more Scout ships dropped in and he would then use adapt negate obstructions to move to the next dilemma. During this time I managed to outgun a total of 3 Scout Ships and when he moved into the alpha quadrant I hit one ship with a Romulan Ambush. But he was still managing to score points. While my Raptor One was battling Scout Ships I had managed to complete two missions to score 60 points. Marcus was on 50 Points. He played a Resistance is Futile to get to 60 points then moved to complete an assimilate planet. He completed scouting. In the next turn I threw everything I had at Quash Conspiracy by the end there were no dilemmas under it and I had Sela on board a ship but stopped – so next turn I would win! Marcus took his next turn and just before he went to probe for his last mission time was called!!!! He scored 25 Points from assimilate planet and the game finished 85-60. It was seriously a case that if time had been called 10 seconds later I would have won...... bugger!

Round 4KlingonNon-AlignedNiall MatthewML (-10)View opponent's Report
Last game was against my favourite deck, KHAN! Now it this game I made two epic mistakes. First of all Niall played a universal mission. I set myself up to steel it with a Lack of Preparation and Dead End under the mission. Niall attempted it in the first turn and hit the lack of preparation and lost 10 points. I Q’s tented for Dropping In and because I didn’t have Geology to steel the mission I played a Reflection Therapy (one of my favourite cards) and changed one of my mission specialists to....computer skill.... this is the point where I had lost my mind. I moved over to the mission, attempted it and informed Niall that I got past Lack of Preparation because I had the skills, hit dead end and nullified it with Dropping In went to complete the mission and realised my mistake!!! I didn’t have Geology and couldn’t do the mission. Next turn Niall moved over and completed the mission getting a Starry Night and using that to get a Mona Lisa and The Genesis Device. Now if you’ve been reading carefully you’ll realise our mistake – I didn’t have the mission skills so should not have passed the Lack of Preparation in the first place... but hindsight is always 20 x 20! Niell went back to his Reliant to start scoring points so I gathered three ships and each one fired at the Reliant causing it to be hit by 3 target shields. Niell then made the mistake of undocking and I played outgunned to capture the Reliant, Khan and the Genesis device – but the damage had been done. Niell was on 40 points and I was on 0. I started to mission attempt and moved through the first mission well clearing all dilemmas then realised I was missing a skill. I moved onto a space mission and used my large number of ships to attempt with one person on each ship. I cleared away 3 dilemmas leaving only one! I then made the fatal mistake of under estimating one dilemma and attempted with my entire crew only to hit Cosmic String Fragment DOUBLED by Shades of Gray: Anguish! It destroyed my ship and crew. We both now had no people. He was on 40 points I was on 0. We both rushed to play people. I managed to get people to my two mission which had been cleared and scored 60 points – but Niell managed to complete Defend Home world scoring 30 and the TIME was called. ML 70-60.