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Stuart Marsh (SAM2000)
Tournament Report - 1E - European Continentals Day One
2014-07-27 - 09:30 AM
KlingonDie with Honor
This was an old school deck which I had updated to work with the Continuing Mission/TNG mechanics. Tactics Turn 1 Download Gowron and draw then covert to download Kargon Turn 2 Play non-treachery Klingon for free and draw for Continuing Mission and download the Pagh. Q's Tent for the Chang, play it and use Defend Homeworld to get Governor Worf. Use Make it So to get a Ready Rom door for Tactical Console. Turn 3 Play the Pagh then play Kargon for free - draw for Continuing Mission to get the Ready Room Door. Play for Captains Log. I.K.C. Chang, Governor Worf, Captains Log, Tactical Console, Divert Power and Tactic: Maximum Fore Power = Attack Value of 25 When the Chang attacks use Maximum Firepower to get 3 flips for 100% hull damage.

Round 1Rafael PalentaML (-30)
Raf was playing an Enterprise-E with Sona. He seeded his Federation outpost at Evade Borg Cube which was a good defensive move as I couldn't hope to take on his outpost with one ship. We both got going well, I had the Chang and the Pagh out by turn 3 with Captains Log and a Tactical console. Raf undocked his Enterprise-E and I responded with a docking procedures which left him in the open. I moved the Chang in and attacked but drew two Crimson Forcefields... So he survived that encounter. He played a Sona ship to his Sona Observatory which was seeded at the adjacent mission where he also had a duck blind. I moved my ships over and first beam down a few Klingons to kill his Sona at the Duck Blind and then took out his Observatory and the ship. I decided to use by Arbitor of Secession early to draw two cards for every won battle on Gowron. By this time the Enterprise had repaired. It undocked and I used another Docking procedures to stop it. The next turn I attacked and destroyed the ship but Raf had FF: Recovered and downloaded the Enterprise-D. He then attempted the mission hitting Gavametric Distortions and was damaged. He docked the ship in the next turn and moved his crew to the outpost and I managed to destroyed the ship through the outpost shield. I started some mission attempts but hit a friendly fire and then a Linguistic Lieberman. The next couple of turns we built up and he got out another Enterprise-E and the Defiant and managed to complete the mission for 35 points. With time pressing I went for another mission but was stopped in the last turn. Time had been called 35-10.

Round 2DominionSebastian KirsteinML (-35)View opponent's Report
This was a real challenge of a game. Seb seeded only 1 dilemma and piles of hidden agendas... I knew what was coming! First turn he had a Dominion Warship, Deyos a hand weapon and beamed over to Captured! my mission specialists. He then planted a 1 Tribble on one of my outposts. I knew that if I followed my normal play and downloaded Gowron to a Facility he would not last long! So over the next few turns I managed to get out teh Chang and stay hidden under Engage Cloak and used a Holodeck Door to get some '45 Dom perignon and get the Bortas and then get Gowron. Then while under Engage cloak I build up my personnel knowing that if I attempted any missions I would be stopped and captured - oh and then he Prisoner Exchanged for Khan and started to play Ceti Eels! The one saving grace was I had tow powerful ships so he had to be vary careful and defensive in the way he moved his ship. He found my dilemmas tough going and after several mission attempts on his 40 pointer then hit my dead end. He scored 5 points through a victory is life and then 30 points from Transport Crash Survivors. With time almost up I moved to the empty mission requiring Gowron and Biology but when I beamed my away team down Gowron was stopped by a tribble! I checked for other requirements but was short on integrity due to the effects of 10 Tribbles! Time was called 35-0

Round 3KazonJulius MelhardtFL (-100)
This game didn't go well. Julius was playing Kazon with Voyager with 5 delta missions and 1 alpha. First I was delayed by a well timed Computer Crash. My draw play engines didn't seem to go well and I tried to get set up to move the Chang to the Delta Quadrant. He moved and attempted a mission using a Shuttle and a small crew and hitting Gomtuu and taking two damage cards. This was an issue as now I had to destroy the shuttle to get my damage cards back before I could attack Voyager. I got make my Make it So using Vash and dig then used Wormhole and Space Time Portal to get to the delta quadrant and destroyed the shuttle. This was a big mistake as the Kazon then using Boarding Party to board the ship killed everyone and Commandeer the Chang. From this point on it didn't go well. I managed one decent mission attempt but he managed to move through his mission in the delta and then using a Wormhole and Wormhole Mission II bored and completed a second mission and boarded another ship for the win. 100-0

Round 4BajoranMaquisPeter LudwigFL (-60)
Peter was playing DS9 flavoured Maquis with additional card plays from Bajoran Resistance (but not draws as he couldn't play Espionage Cards). I stared to download Gowron for my first turn then Computer Crash and the same next turn for 6 turns!!! During this time all I could do was play some personnel - I was unable to conve any draw to download using Officer Exchange Program. He built up a good number of personnel and managed to compete his first mission at Rescue Personnel. I managed to get the Pagh into play and moved it over to his location. Peter used hidden fighter to get out a Bajoran scout vessel bit after he too off I used Loss of Orbital Stability and then the Pagh destroyed it. This happened several times but while I was shooting down empty Maquis ships he started to play personnel to another planet mission and managed to after a couple of attempts complete it. My only hope not was to stop him getting a space mission so I placed he Chang and Pagh ready to intercept and started to attempt missions, managing to compete Krios Suppression for 40 points with mission specialists. Julius has decked himself and played Isomagnetic Disintegrator. He then drew into more hidden fighters and also had the Stolen defiant out. With more ships that I had Loss of Orbital Stabilities he managed to do a double attempted on a space Nissan going though Gravametric Distortions, Precession Piloting and the being stopped by Subspace Seaweed. His second ship though easily finished the job. Great final game 100-40.

Closing Thoughts
Although I enjoyed my deck the real issue was with having dilemmas that caused Damage. This caused real issues as I needed all four of my tactic cards for the Maximum Firepower combo. When I did draw tactics I did have an issue with drawing two Crimson Forcefields! This wasn't an issue when the Pagh was there as I could draw 3 tactics but I should have seeded another Make it So to enable me to select a tactic at critical points in the game. Computer Crash was a big factor in 2 of the games and I wish I had Quarks Isolinear Rods and 10 and 01 in my deck! Time was another issue - with the deck focused on suppression by battle I didn't have the resources to attempt any missions until the last 25 minutes of the games. Despite the poor end result eye games were hard fought! With some chases I would play this deck again!