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Jonathan (Triumph)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard - Online Event
2012-03-05 - 12:00 PM
BajoranPure Minimal Resistance
Basically, decided to seek a hidden achievement with a deck of ONLY Bajoran Resistance personnel. Since my personnel selection was so limited, I decided to make the deck fit Bare Minimum standards too, and pick up that achievement.

Round 1CardassianFerengiMatt KirkMW (+35)
Matt was playing a crazy Ferengi counter-manipulation deck, combined with bunch of Cardassian tricks (including capture stuff and the Groumall crew), This beast was something like 120 cards in size. Crazy. Hmm, after slow starts for both of us, I got out and solved Deliver Evidence, but then got stymied a long time at Off World Raid. Greater Needs was particularly inconvenient. Around this time, I made the sickening realization that I didn’t bring enough CMD stars in this deck – because Te’nari needs CMD to staff it and I foolishly did not realize this. Meanwhile, Matt solved Commandeer Prototype, and got the Phoenix out. I stopped him at Eliminate Harvesters and planted an Insurrection there. With Time during Matt’s next turn, he attempted Escape Gulag with 15, and I managed to stop him. Since he went first, I got one more turn. There were five dilemmas under OWR, so I was able to attempt and solve with just six personnel – thanks to The Sword of Kahless. Timed Win, 70 to 35.

Round 2Joel SkonML (-30)
Slow start – got Te’nari and no CMD stars. Joel was playing Borg Dissidents. Borg are nasty - Fourth and Fifth and Energize and Unyielding tons of attribute boosting and all the nasty Borg bag of tricks. I made a stupid mistake of giving an extra dilemma on his first attempt (extra in that I didn’t need it to stop and extra in that it cost too much and was automatically overcome). When he solved Assimilate Starship, he got to assimilate a copy of Te’nari that I had discarded, which greatly amused me. While I was attempting Deliver Evidence, he played the The Clown: Guillotine and by chance consumed two ACE, killing off four of my personnel. Once I recovered, all that consuming left me able to finish Deliver Evidence. At Off World Raid, he killed off all my Geology with similar dilemmas. I also made the blunder of needlessly destroy a copy of Just Like Old Times, preventing me from trying to get points with it. While I was slowing him at Reestablish Neural Cooperative, he sent out a second time to solve Hunt Alien in one attempt (bah, Unyielding). I made one last attempt, but couldn’t solve OWR, so he ended up winning when time ran out during my last turn. MW for Joel, 70 to 40.

Round 3TNGTjark OttFL (-10)
Tjark was playing a Cadet-Enterprise-D two-mission win deck. A cool play for me was using Natural Instincts to overcome Gomtuu by gaining Telepathy; this let me solve Deliver Evidence. I stymied Tjark at Practice Orbital Maneuvers for quite a while, but he eventually solved it while I got stuck at Off World Raid. Greater Needs really hurt me, as did the fact that the BOTTOM TWO CARDS OF MY DECK contained two of my three ships. Yeah, that hurt. I eventually solved Off World Raid, but by then Tjark had such a swarm of personnel out, and enough dilemmas under, that he solved Restore Errant Moon for the Full Win (100 to 90).