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Matthew Zinno (commdecker)
Tournament Report - 2E
2019-07-17 - 06:00 PM
FerengiNon-AlignedThe Perfect Krem
Local 2E tournament on a weeknight, which is good for me since my work is much closer to the venue than my home is. And I brought a new player!

Round 1RomulanLucas ThompsonFL (-70)View opponent's Report
Dereliction of Duty takes away Keywords too? Seriously? That made all my people not Thieves, so not boosted by Soft Sell. Anyway, I was glad to be facing Lucas first b/c he had told me to build a Thief deck since the time I won the Fortune as a prize. I used a Pooling Resources early on to get Display of Wealth, but he had a Deep Hatred for it, which slowed down the DOW plot. I ended up doing pretty well with re-attempts because he comsumed a lot of dilemmas, trying (but failing) to hit All-Consuming Evil.

Round 2KlingonChris MorseFW (+70)
I suppose Chris was playing Klingons, but really I was facing Infestation Tribbles. It's tough to megateam, because adding one person to an attempt means he'll draw and play a 1-cost Infestation, to stop two. But I managed to get enough under to eventually solve things. Fun counter-play was when I gave him Accelerated Aging at [the infestation Anth mission], only to see Outlaw Sisko had Anth after Acq … but then it happened to take away all his Geology instead! That was the 2nd of two times that Dreamer and the Dream triggered, too. Also, I played Organized Crime to steal his Surprise Party, and kept it and used it rather than put it on DOW. On the last turn, I sent two teams at my 40-point mission; the first had 8 with 7 under, and he stopped me with Infestation. The second had 7 with now 8 under, and they solved (and mission text gave me finally 6 on DOW), and then went on and also solved another planet mission for a FW. Then I pointed out to him how he could have stopped me at that 40-point mission: he had loaded me up with Inferiority during my first solve, and forgotten it.

Round 3ByeBY (0)
I introduced Matt to the game and encouraged him to come today (and lent him my old Android deck). He had fun, but couldn't stay for round 3. But I had played him over lunch, so he could learn the android mechanisms better (and so I could try out the thief mechanics … it's the only game of the day where I used the Combat Vessel ability).

Closing Thoughts
This deck needs a little more work and a little more focus. It probably still won't win, but might work a little better.