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Matthew Zinno (commdecker)
Tournament Report - 1E Modern - Online Event
2011-01-18 - 12:00 AM
CardassianFederationHirogenAssign Future Holograms (OTF)
I started out making a general "Children of Light" deck. But the Voyager future holograms encouraged each other, and Crell Moset encouraged having more cheap Cardassians so I could play them with his ability. So I eliminated Children of Light in favor of a Klaestron treaty, which allowed me to ferry my Cardie ASPs aboard my Fed future ships (Future Enterprise and Pasteur). There's more detail in the decklist writeup, but briefly, this deck starts out by downloading the Olarra and Revised Tuvok on the first turn, and flying to the Alpha Quadrant by the second. Everyone can then report there, since all the DQ personnel are holograms and can report to the Olarra. Each turn, Crell discards NA Tuvok, who downloads himself into play again following a DWE/ASP. And for dilemma busting: Cluttering Irrelevancies! Would you believe I lost the Olarra in each game? (And re-downloaded it in most as well.) Once to V'ger and thrice to battle.

Round 1BorgSebastian KirsteinMW (+26)
Round 1. Timed win over Sebastian Kirstein (Caretaker's Guest), 80-54. He played a huge (200+ cards) Borg deck, so it was frustrating for him that I was playing unassimilatible holograms. I got off to a slow start, with no holodoors or Zimmermen, and only one Tuvok, in my opening hand even after a Masaka. For the first part of the game, we were both in the Alpha quadrant, me encountering dilemmas at Wormhole Negotiations (including a Scout Encounter battle that got me 5 points) and him assimilating Free Orion Slaves. (Which prompted a question, can I still report Orions there after it's assimilated?) Then he flipped Eliminate Starship and blew up the Olarra. I worked on rebuilding my forces in the Delta Quadrant (with another Olarra from Hirogen Hunt), and got through the dilemmas at Liberation, finally solving for 30. Meanwhile, he assimilated a few Cardassians at my outpost, and Established a Gateway in the Badlands. When he came through my Barzan Wormhole to the DQ, I went back through it to the AQ. I didn't want to get Eliminated again. He went after one of his DQ planets, and I cleared the remaining dilemmas at Wormhole Negotiations, just leaving a Scow to be towed. Before I could tow it, he got another Scout Vessel there, boosted by Third of Five, and damaged the Olarra. He almost destroyed it in the second battle, but he played a tactic card for the battle and didn't have enough left to deal the killing damage. When I went to repair, we made a deal. He stipulated that I would eventually solve Wormhole Negotiations, and we decided to call the game with those points as a timed win. Final score 80 (WN + Liberation + 5) to 54 (two objectives + 4 from Add Distinctiveness).

Round 2BajoranBorgChristopher CoyleMW (+15)
2. Timed win against Christopher Coyle (startrekccggeek), 45-30. Again a Borg deck, this time only 100+ cards. He tried a heavy reliance on converting draws to downloads, stopped first by his own Obelisk and then by mine. After a few turns of building, he tried an Establish Gateway at my mission at one end of the DQ, while I pecked away at the dilemmas under Wormhole Negotiations. On his probing turn, I nullified his EG with Access Denied, and he played Transwarp Conduit to double his range and fly to the opposite end of the DQ, to his Transwarp Hub which used to come to AQ. So on my turn, I finished WN and flew through the Barzan Wormhole, wanting to stay far from the Borg even though they couldn't assimilate most of my personnel. This turned out to be a bad idea. I had all of my personnel on one ship, stopped at the Barzan Wormhole. I'll admit that I momentarily forgot that he had reported Gowron of Borg, or at least that he could attack without an Objective -- but I certainly didn't expect Christopher to play Transwarp Conduit for a second turn in a row, which got him from the Transwarp Hub all the way over to the Barzan Wormhole, where he destoyed the Olarra easily. After that, he completed Salvage Starship in the DQ, and was in the midst of scouting an AQ planet when time ran out.

Round 3RomulanJFW (+100)
3. Full win over J (The Mad Vulcan), 100-0. One of the critical plays of this game was made in the mission phase of seeding. His first mission was Wormhole Negotiations, followed later by some DQ missions. So I figured he was planning to use the Barzan Wormhole to travel between the quadrants, same as me. So after his 5th mission, I put my Barzan Wormhole (seeds in any phase) at my end of the spaceline, far away from his missions. J, meanwhile, put 6 dilemmas at each of my two planets. Okay, on to play phase. I got a holodoor and an Olarra in my opening hand, so I was able to get Crell going on turn 1. On turn 2, I attempted my first mission (for once, not Wormhole Negotiations, since I was worried about clearing it for him). And lost my ship with all hands! (Caretaker's Guests took out Madam Guinan, and then V'Ger destroyed the ship. I had one Cluttering in hand, but needed two to pass it.) Luckily, I was able to rebuild, and solve that mission and my other AQ space mission soon after. Meanwhile, his Romulans were active in the DQ, but stuck by my dilemmas: Distracted/ChulaDice at one mission, and ITPM at another. In fact, the ITPM was located at his Cure Deadly Virus, so that the personnel that failed were not only stopped, but quarantined, effectively taking them out of the rest of the game. At this point, I realized that I had the skills available to steal CDV, facing only my easy-for-AU-DQ-holograms ITPM, I just needed a Holoprojectors card to play there. So I sent the (new) Olarra to the DQ to wait until I drew that card, and everyone else stayed with the Pasteur in the AQ, to plug away at Free Orion Slaves where I had played Holoprojecters earlier. That was meant to be a backup strategy, but I ended up solving that mission before that card draw I was waiting for. Final score 100 (Repair Mission + Amnesty Talks + Free Orion Slaves, -5 for Hazardous Duty) over 0.

Round 4RomulanAndreas LimmerFL (-100)View opponent's Report
Round 4. Lost to Andreas Limmer (Nava), 0-100. Romulans again, this time using the Guardian of Forever. He spent several turns reporting, time traveling, and drawing, while I got Crell going first turn and attempting Wormhole Negotiations on turns 2 and 3. Turn 4 is where it all went down. He attempted Historical Research, where I the Treachery/low-int combo. Against Romulans, it's strong against the first team, but easily passed if you send a second, which he did. He solved with two mission specialists, giving him 50 points. But his only ship there had not enough range left to leave, and I thought the turn was over. Instead, he pulled out In the Zone, doubling the range of all his ships, and daisy-chained over to my undocked Olarra and blew it up. (That's right, if you're keeping track, I lost that ship in every game.) I played a few cards the next turn (actually, I surprised Andreas by reporting 3 cards and drawing 4 even though he had just blown up my Crell draw engine), but then he passed the one remaining dilemma at Wormhole Negotiations and stole it for another 50 and the win.