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Matthew Zinno (commdecker)
Tournament Report - 1E - Romulus Regional
2017-06-03 - 01:00 PM
KCAHistoric Coming To Regionals (II)
For the Romulus Regional, I again played my KCA Historic Coming Together deck that I know well, again making some small changes to it.

Round 1RomulanLucas ThompsonFW (+30)
Morse was late, and Brak was studying his borrowed deck, so I played Lucas first. He was playing TNG romulan underground. And he had nasty combos at the planet missions I poked early. The first was YGII/RulesofOb, which I could come back to but annoyingly costs me a person each time. The second was easier -- HLE which I passed by downloading the gun, Deliberate Tactical Error which killed only one, and Close Call that I re-attempted with all CS and solved. The third started with Quantum leap (Arch, really?) and had 3 more behind it. After solved the middle one, I pushed past the ROOb (using Smiley, who is easy to protect from the kill) to find a QI (with a YGII, great.). Then I made the uncharacteristic choice to do an AQ Space mission second, and come back when I had an even bigger boatload of people to hopefully slide past QI. Meanwhile, Lucas had successfully investigated an Anomaly and a Raid. With time running out, he attempted Remus, and got past all the dilemmas, and thought he had the solve. He showed me the printed mission skills on his personnel. Knowing Process Ore:Mining (downloaded there), I asked if he had a second Geology. Nope. Over to me, time ran out 5 seconds into my final turn, and he was ahead. I solved Conduct Crossover Operation on my second attempt (using Nog for Chula: the Game), then flew back to MQ as expected, Zerg rushed the QI, and got a lucky roll of SEC/Nav. That solve put me over 100 for the win.

Round 2MaquisNon-AlignedFederationChris O'ConnellMW (+45)
Faced Brak who'd gotten a bye against Morse. He'd been out of 1e since 2e came out, and had been coached by Lucas who'd built the deck. This was Enterprise-E with Fed Flagship Relaunched, combined with Sona and Baku at Insurrection. I seeded Apollo at Insurrection, hoping to destroy Injector Assembly One with it. Buy he kept not making it past the ROOB that was before it. At his first space mission he had it much easier, since he put Starbase 247 with Spacedock to instantly repair. First attempt, Disgraceful Assault gave two flips, and he unstopped with MIS, docked, repaired, and tried again. Aggressive Behavior damaged him again and went back under, and the following turn he again docked and repaired, and finally passed and solved. And in all those tactics, plus the initial one from FFR, I drew no tactics that included kills! Anyway, over on my side, the planet walls I ran into were simply initial stoppers I could come back to. One starter wall was Dangerous Liaisons, which stopped me at first but I knew I could come back later. One was Rock People, and I did come back later to pass unsci/sci and solve. The third started with DTE (passed) and Yol Jichu (passed the second time), then a Medical Crisis. Time ran out with me ahead (two planets solved), but I tried for a FW by getting an AQ space mission (AIE this time, 3 dils vs 4, IIRC). First attempt gave me a Spatial Rift unpassed, so I recycled my dead Astrophysicists with Lasting Peace, played the smartest people in my hand, and dropped my dumb people (except for engineers and mission skills) off at a planet. Trouble was, I still needed to bring my dumb engineers to try to pass Spatial Rift, and there was a low chance of him selecting them but that is what happened. (I should have used my card play to download Lursa, as she's a smart engineer). So the attempt failed and I only got a MW.

Round 3KCAChris MorseFW (+100)
Last game was against Morse, who also had KCA. No Reshape the Quadrant, instead he had the KCA treaty and New Arrivals. My two alpha space missions were shared with him, and he had a universal planet mission that was really tempting me to steal it. So my combos got really rearranged ... I ended up putting a 2-card Anthropology combo at Conduct Crossover Operations, so it would be easy for me to pass since I knew what to bring, and Chandra/MaquisVendetta for the planet steal (ditto). He also had an Empok nor, so I put my Friendly Fire there. Everything else distributed to the places I was not going. I didn't end up stealing his planet, because he had a Hidden Agenda which I figured was DefMeas, which would protect it. (Post game, it turned out to be QTR.) I did my HCT plan, but only twice, because the combos I found were sufficitly easy to push through (including Deliberate Tactical Error that killed 0). At this point he tried his universal mission (he also had his OP there, and no ship yet); only 1 person out of 5 passed Chandra, and he couldn't pass Maquis Vendetta. So with two planets solved, I flew over there -- not to steal, instead I beamed down 6 strong people with a gun to battle his 5, getting 3 kills and, according to my plan, significantly slowing him down. Next turn he beamed up, and then I flew to AQ (but not unstopping with WNS, since I had no range left anyway, since things were farther apart with more MQ missions than usual). And then I tried Conduct Crossover Operation, already prepared for my two Anth dilemmas. His first seed: Edo Probe. I really didn't want to abandon the plan at this point. But I counted up points, and saw that solving this would get me to 110 anyway. I continued. Passed my dilemmas, then his other seeds were Important Guests (against this deck? Stopped FIVE), then Face to Face which gave him one targeted kill ... but I still had Ezri, Intendant, and Smiley, so no one kill would stop the solve.

Closing Thoughts
I was glad to see the guys, glad to win, and glad to know this deck so well that I played it with almost no mistakes. The first game was the closest to a loss, where I got lucky on the final QI, and Lucas got unlucky with his Geo. Thanks to everyone for coming, and to Lucas for running it! You can also see analysis of the deck from my perspective and Lucas' in his "Road to Worlds" article.