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Edwin Latrell (Latrell)
Tournament Report - 1E - Trek Masters
2016-05-29 - 11:00 AM
DominionDommm D'Dom-Dom, Dommm D'Dom-Dom-Dummm v3.0
This was my first Masters Level event and I wanted to be creative. That said, while I feel my deck is quite strong and flexible, I made a great deal of play errors with is, and that cost me each game.

Round 1TerranJFL (-53)View opponent's Report
J played MQ Feds and it was a simple spaceline with no wormhole. I expected Hidden Fighter from him, but did not expect to see 4 iterations of it. Got infiltrators out early and commandeered his ISS enterprise turn 3 which I thought was a good way to shut him down. While it sorta worked, I was too cautious about attempting missing and got while probed out of trying to earn a MW over him in rounds after time. Ultimately he was able to complete all the necessary missions for a FW anyway, but earlier mission attempts on my part would have had me out distancing him earlier on.

Round 2Non-AlignedHirogenRoxanne BarbourFL (-100)
Playing Holograms was not on the menu in my meta calculation and so my kill plies fizzled horribly. Need ways to infiltrate the DQ, need walls with staying power, need more aggressive mission attempts. Also, need something better then a 50/50 with QI....

Round 3ByeBY (0)

Round 4CardassianJordan SmithFL (-100)
I played Jordan as well as I could have making only two mistakes. I know not to mission attempts quickly with him, but I knew his deck was a card or two off, so figured I could reasonable hope to beat him. However, cycling through the deck, I got Quinn to the face off my Isomag with most of my deck in the discard pile. Not unexpected, but Need more redundancy in the recursion...

Closing Thoughts
I could list the ways in which I should not have played in this tournament (migraines, allergies, sleep dep ect) as a reason for poor performance at the event, but the truth is, I didn't go to perform well I went to visit friends. for 2+ years I have promised to make it out to Seattle to play the core group here that has been very supportive of my online efforts and my trying to establish a new play group in Northern Idaho. Thank you guys so much for a positive play experience and I hope to make it back out there.