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Rogue Shindler (SirRogue)
Tournament Report - 1E
2017-02-11 - 01:00 PM
CardassianRomulanRogue Intelligence
Wanted to play with some of the new Starfleet cards, but I ran out of time making my deck; good thing, too, because that would have made for 3 of 4 decks at the tournament being Starfleet. Instead, I went looking for other deck types I haven't played, and found MVB's Car/Rom GQ invasion deck. Fast, fun, and packed with achievement possibilities!

Round 1Dan HammanFW (+5)
Dan was playing the new Emperor path deck, and it was a race. My science-heavy deck was lucky to find his two Unscientific/Scientific combos at adjacent missions, while my stall combos were not doing anything to stall him as Ensign Mayweather made his bid for the throne. The UFP First Step bit of moving between time locations using 4 range is surprisingly good, making for a nice shortcut across the spaceline, and Dan used it well. I was hauling ass back to Cardassia to secure my homeworld, and while I guessed correctly that it would be a Med Crisis combo, I miscounted my Med and was stopped, giving Dan time to try a hostile takeover of the Terran Empire to win. He suffered some attrition from FS/Deliberate, but had been counting on nullifying the last dilemma with Flagship, but it was not a planet dilemma. Instead, he got stopped by Chula: the Game and I had time to pull another Medical ASP for the win 100-95.

Round 2FederationThomas VFL (-30)
I have frequently said that losing to Thomas is more fun that winning against others. This was no different; we had an extremely fun game and enjoyed the mutual admiration club as he watch my personnel pour out, and I watch him sidestep my dilemmas with random, obscure cards. His deck (or at least the crew he was drawing) was light on Security, which suffered against my Security-centric dilemmas, giving me time to rebound from a first attempt TPK against Barclay's. The deck speed got me back in it quickly, and I solved that and a second space after using Call for Reinforcements to repair my Gomtuu'ed ship (and losing more Science to his targeted dilemmas and damage markers). Again, hauling back to Cardassia while he waited out two Friendly Fired missions and muscled through a few, but lost a crew of 15 to a second Barclay's TPK. Waiting to rebuild again, I had no Leadership in my hand, but 3 or 4 Leadx2 in the deck, so had to dig. I sent a ship to the GQ just so I could increase my card drawing. Thomas went to another mission, pressed for time, got through everything but the final Chula: The Game, which would have stopped his whole crew and given me time to win (afterwards I checked, and I had a Leadx2 in my top four cards, which I would have drawn with New Frontiers), but he dropped a "Renewed Spirit", which unstops your whole crew or away team at a universal mission (once per game per mission title). This gave him that mission and a Transwarp Conduit got him to the other side of the AQ space line to the Dead End mission for the win, 70-100. Clutch obscure interrupt FTW; a great card that would have been great in my deck, too. Can't wait to add it!

Round 3Imperial StarfleetJohnny HolevaFW (+70)
Johnny was also playing Mirror Starfleet, but without using any of their flavor tricks (no Emperor tests, no empty hand bonuses). He was going for the flagship, then using its boostedness to power Fear Will Keep Them In Line. I once again had good luck going out to the end of the spaceline, looking for (and finding) the weaker combos (presumably). Both Johnny and Dan suffered from the seed-heaviness of Starfleet, leaving me with two card combos under all my space missions. While he was getting his crew together to commandeer the Defiant before attempting his first mission, I was through a pair of space missions. My order of operations left me out of range of home, giving him an extra turn to attempt, but my stalling combos did there job. He also dropped a well-timed Scorched Hand after I failed to keep count of my draws after a Combined Strike draw. I went home but had nothing playable and was stopped against another Med Crisis; Johnny solved a mission, then was stopped at another. I pulled a Med ASP next turn to get through, and was lucky I had card-played my Lethians in the turns leading up because the final dilemma/seed card was Quantum Incursions. Luckily no AU came up, and I solved to win, 100-30.

Closing Thoughts
I got pretty lucky with two opponents with no AQ missions, letting my homeworlds flank the wormhole and making my deck even faster. The deck qualified for a ton of achievements, which meant I had very little wiggle room to modify it without breaking that qualifications. This probably helped me from screwing up the deck too much from it's original design. I was glad I added the two Lethians to combat QI, and will do likewise with AU personnel when I'm not beholden to the DS9 logo. I'm also looking forward to adding a copy of Renewed Spirit, and using some Explosive Decompression with all my universal missions! I was definitely a little nervous about playing without Ref cards, but was lucky enough to play in a group with very little Ref abuse. The worst that happened was not getting to mirror TV's Kivas Fajos, and Johnny got me for one discard with Containment cheese (on literally the only SD I use in my deck). Definitely a good day to get that out of the way, but I don't know if I'd be brave enough to try it again.