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bandana8472 (bandana8472)
Tournament Report - 2E
2014-09-06 - 07:00 PM
TNGAah, the Dilemmas!
mr. subrocket took a call from pies and the next thing I know I'm driving to ffg...

Round 1VoyagerJustin KaufmanFW (+100)
solid game against the td. thanks for taking the bye in round 2 so my wingwan could play.

Round 2BorgMatthew HayesFW (+65)
used my backup plans and then some. the old tools against assimilation still work.

Round 3Nat KirtonMW (+5)
like nat said, our matches are always about dilemmas. still can't believe we went to time!

Closing Thoughts
i am honored to play in this meta. winning this highly-decorated dark match tourney is a source of pride. looking forward to leagues.