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Joel Bray (Lejo)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-08-10 - 07:00 PM
MaquisFlight of the Condors 1.0
Santa Barbara's Taking Into the Wind release tournament! I finally played Maquis, after a very long hiatus during the 2011 tournament schedule. Now that Worlds '11 has ended, I'm happily going to play my favorite affiliation... even if I lose every game! :)

Round 1VoyagerSethMendozaML (0)
I was "this close" to blowing up Voyager, but considering I'd already helped Ish deck himself, I saw no need. Our game went to time and he earned a modified win via points scored... 20 to 0, heh.

Round 2TNGChris DonatiML (0)
Chris was playing a variant TNG solver, but I happily blew up the Bozeman, Enterprise-D, and considered going after a third ship, but by then, it was too late, so I settled for another modified loss.

Round 3KlingonCarlos MayaML (0)
Carlos was playing the Van Breemen-styled Klingon Kruge deck, and on the one hand, I figured we could duke it out, but on the other hand, I wanted to see if this fat Maquis deck could shoot for solving. I lost a Cosette to some dirty Klingon filth, but in the end, I went for a mission solving attempt without SECURITY among any of the 8 personnel I had on the table. Fail.