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Joel Bray (Lejo)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-12-17 - 04:00 PM
CardassianLaw & Order
I gave Cardassian Capture a ride. I had mixed feelings. The build could be better streamlined, but my dilemma pile was particularly poor. I'll give it a shot again some other time.

Round 1StarfleetAaron WeilML (-5)
Aaron played a nice Mirror Starfleet deck, so I knew what to expect. While I captured a couple personnel, the best I could do was prevent him from achieving a full win.

Round 2VoyagerSethMendozaMW (+40)
Ish was playing his usual Delta folks and he played it strongly. I had a difficult time playing effectively so I really could only achieve a modified win that really could have gone either way.

Round 3TOSThomas KamiuraFL (-60)
I got wrecked. I hate TK's deck, and he knows why. Repeated dilemma peeling is stupid.