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Daniel J. Wasowicz (waso)
Tournament Report - 2E Standard
2011-05-15 - 11:30 AM
TNGT-N-G. Fight!..Fight!..Fight! T-N-G. Fight!..Fight!..Fight! We're dinomite! T-N-G. And IIII'll win the fight! T-N-G.
We had a nice little turnout for this tourney and a great surprise of Lysander showing up to make six of us. On a nice sunny day there's no better way to spend your time than with friends.

Round 1CardassianKris SonstebyFL (0)View opponent's Report
100-45 ~sigh~ What can you say? You go up against Kris, you had better know what your'e doing. I don't. Hence my score. My NAKED juice from Dunn Bros was delicious though. Mmmm.

Round 2KlingonDaniel AllmanFL (0)
Dan's Klingon deck is mighty. He discarded to draw one after the other until I felt like I should have brought my book inbetween turns. Even then I couldn't get a bloody ship out until the very end. By that time it was too late. In the end, I got my fanny handed to me 100-0. Sad, sad state of things.

Round 3CardassianJeremy BenedictFL (0)
We each had one mission to solve for the win. 65-110. Pure...Jank.