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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - Tr Tribbles
2012-01-01 - 07:00 PM
You're a Real Hooker... I'm Gonna Slap You in Public
With 8 participants, we ran it twice as the top 4 scorers vied for the title and the others played a fun round.

Round 1 ()
I realized quickly what a huge difference there is between real and virtual cards, as Jer just plowed through the round.

Round 2 ()
I successfully poisoned a few times for low totals, while this time Steve just crushed us all.

Round 3 ()
Jer retook control by mega-chaining Rescues and adeptly freezing Poison and Go, two linchpins of my deck.

Round 4 ()
Getting skunked, Lil opted to Copy my Poison just to get on the board, while Steve again went out in dramatic fashion to close the gap on Jer.

Round 5 ()
I scored a couple more points from Poison before Jer mopped up, leaving both Lil and I in stunned silence at how well his deck performed.