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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - Tr
2012-07-13 - 05:30 PM
Bark Twice if You're in Milwaukee... ver 2.0
Greed PPV Tribbles match #2 again with my "No 10's" deck.

Round 1 ()
Short round in which Megan went out for 23k after I collected 100k from a Utilize.

Round 2 ()
Megan went out again for 211k, with everyone else scoring between 10k and 112k during the round.

Round 3 ()
Mike went out for 113k after collecting 100k off of Toxin, while I successfully Score'd off myself for 100k.

Round 4 ()
Mike went out again for only 21k, with Megan and I splitting a Tally and Galen collecting another 11k during the round.

Round 5 ()
I split another Tally with Mike, but couldn't catch up as he went out again for another 120k after scoring 160k in total during the round.