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Kris Sonsteby (LORE)
Tournament Report - Tr
2012-07-13 - 06:30 PM
Bark Twice if You're in Milwaukee... ver 2.0
Greed PPV Tribbles match #3 again with my "No 10's" deck.

Round 1 ()
Galen picked up 313k in going out after Battle'ing 2 bigs into his play pile on his last card play.

Round 2 ()
I went out for 113k while Megan scored some major Poison points and Lil hit a Bonus.

Round 3 ()
Lil went out for 210k to pass Galen by 28k or so, with Megan in a solid third and me in last.

Round 4 ()
Galen went out in lightning fashion for 23k after picking up 150k during the round from Toxin and Tally.

Round 5 ()
With everyone focused on each other, I mega-chain Rescue'd twice before going out for a whopping 532k to take the lead and the match at the wire.