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Barry Windschitl (JamesValEson)
Tournament Report - 1E
2015-11-21 - 05:00 PM
Romulan"I know it's already over, already over now". TNG Romulans. 1.15
I brought my MN Masters 1E deck in an effort to get all the wins that it is set for. I Did.

Round 1BajoranJohn WesternMW (+60)
Lots of droids, and lots of draws put me in the driver seat. I Did forget to program my FemBots several times, but it comes with playing that type of deck.

Round 2FederationMatthew HayesFW (+100)
I Didn't blow up any of his ships with dilemmas, but I did sweep the board and get the full win.

Round 3ByeBY (0)
After Ian dropped, we ended up with a bye, and as I had taken the tourney win from Matt and had no one else to play, I got the bye (and the opportunity to get on the road at a decent time).