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Barry Windschitl (JamesValEson)
Tournament Report - 1E
2016-02-13 - 02:30 PM
KCASong From the Universe: "I never wanted you to see, The darkest part of me. I knew you'd run away, I waited but you never came". KCA Regent's Flagship 1.0
It's time to try something new, so I went with a regent's Flagship KCA deck. There was a Lot to learn in the first few games with it (such as multiple HC-Ts Don't get cumulative effects, learned in the second game of the day), and it seems to be a balance of getting draws and doing stuff throughout the game. The deck can use some ironing out, but it should become a force to be reckoned with given time and attention.

Round 1FederationRobert PetersenFW (+75)View opponent's Report
Robert was playing an unusual Voyager deck (Memory Wiped Voyager to get NA hologram types to become "Matching" personnel for HAfH), and quickly found himself at a disadvantage due to having forgotten his Nekrit Supply Depot. He also had five space missions, so I made sure to throw ALL of my planet dilemmas under the one planet to force him to at Least 140 points for a full win (with YAaM as another option should the need arise). This allowed me to get my feet under me and start Fedora-ing my main planet missions early without too much of a race going on. He also didn't have any GQ going on, so I left mine in my Civil Tent, and downloaded like mad the first few turns. In the end, I held him back to one missions (minus points for Th...TF or Edo Probe), while I was able to get Search for rebels, Mirror Bajor, and then Regular Bajor for the win. Good Game, Robert.

Round 2KlingonKris SonstebyFW (+15)View opponent's Report
This game came down to the well-thought out placement of my Dead End Combo at his Qo'nos. This kept him from getting a two-mission win with the Genesis Device (or, as we called it, the Genital Device. Niall would be proud), and gave me time to get my schtuff together and power through his combos including YGiI, and QIs. I even destroyed one of his loaded ships with a dilemma combo (Yeah! That hurt a bit. I believe it was the Pagh.). In a late attempt, I ran into Emergency Conversion, which stopped one ship, and, much to my chagrin, I had all of One skill needed on the stopped ship, and all of the Other needed skill on the Regency 1 (oopsie!). This was a close game, that had me cussing out QI quite a bit (Not a fun card). I Honestly didn't think I would beat Kris and one of his Klingon Creations. Over-all, Good Game, Kris.

Round 3KCAJustin KaufmanFW (+33)View opponent's Report
A Mirror, Mirror Mirror Match. We both had KCA Regent's Flagship, and were both looking to Own the Mirror Galaxy (Something Something Rule The Galaxy!). I don't think there was any G4 in this game either, so we were both getting our money's worth out of downloading (Justin Packing DWE with ASP for extra mileage). We both had three Dupe missions, so it was looking to be a headache trying to get missions done. I ended up going for Investigate Intrusion once I had a secondary ship out (while going to set up Mirror Bajor via Fedora for some HQ Secureing, and Historicalness), and he started on his non-dupe missions. He ended up losing a full ship to "God" at his second (I think) planet mission, and was set back for a turn or two. Meanwhile, I trucked through my non-dupes, and was eventually set up to trek across the Barrier to Regular Bajor for the win. It all came down to me getting some records altered, while Justin finally bit the bullet and tried a duped Test Warship. I was ready to get YAaM out to run the clock long, but was able to get Alter Records done to snag the Tournament Win. Good Game, Justin.

Closing Thoughts
Lots to learn about this deck, but it seems to be a fun one to play. Of course Extraneous achievement jobber will come out, and I might try throwing in a few Post Garrisons to fuel DNA Security Scan. There's room for improvement, and I just need to figure out what.