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Michael Moskop (Comicbookhero)
Tournament Report - 2E Race to the Alpha Quadrant
2011-12-11 - 12:00 PM
TOSMirror Kirk loves robots and would never confuse them.
Because it is the end of the year and this was the first Race to the Alpha Quadrant tournament that I had ever played, I brought a couple decks that I just wanted to have fun with. I ended up playing an achievement deck of Mirror TOS/androids and a Nonlethal dilemma pile.

Round 1StarfleetAmber Van BreemenFL (-100)
I realized early that I had handcuffed myself with this deck. There just were not enough androids in there. If I had drawn more of them, I might have done better. Even with the "draw two extra dilemmas" rule, I still couldn't do anything.

Round 2ByeBY (0)
I sat and watched The League on my iPhone.

Round 3Eric BiecheFW (+60)
Picking your starting hand is pretty nice. I was able to get on a role very quickly while Eric wasn't. He just couldn't draw the cards he needed and I was able to use Valeris to get rid of his Klag before he even had a chance to use it.

Round 4DS9Non-AlignedMichael Van BreemenFL (-100)
Just not able to draw what I needed when I needed it. That is all she wrote.