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Martin Drake (Warrior50)
Tournament Report - 2E
2021-05-15 - 12:00 PM
TNGDown in the Paw Paw Patch
My deck was a TNG Briar Patch deck. The idea was to use the new TNG personnel to do the Briar patch missions. Things did not work out well at all. I faced 3 Dominion decks and was not in any of these games due to being locked down or prevented from doing missions by infiltrators.

Round 1DominionJoseph BazemoreFL (-100)
Joe's deck was a Dominion deck with 2 50 point missions. He eventually did the 2 fifty point missions and won. I was hit with interrupts that prevented movement or prevented the play of cards. I did have a issue wit not getting a ship until I drew and played the new JLP which let me download a ship. Fortunately I had the new Riker which allowed me to reduce the cost of the ship

Round 2DominionEric RFL (-100)
Eric's deck was also a Dominion deck, went about the same as my first game. Although I did get to play a ship at 2 cost due to having all Briar Patch missions which reduced thee cost of the ship. Eric was able to do his missions and won the game.

Round 3DominionJohn KinneyML (-5)
John's deck was the most frustrating deck of the day. He also had a Dominion deck, but his was an infiltrator deck, which allowed him to just frustrate me to no end. HIs deck allowed him to not attempt any missions at all, but score 5 points off of one card to get his points. The deck he had prevented me from moving, and reducing my personnel's attributes so I could not do missions. In the end he got a mod win with a score of 5 to 0. In my opinion the

Closing Thoughts
In my opinion the dominion is now the one of thee most powerful factions in the game and H & D must have been designed to frustrate players to the point they quit playing 2 E all together.