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Kenneth Tufts (Worf Son of Mogh)
Tournament Report - 1E Open
2011-12-04 - 03:30 PM
FederationI am AHAB - RiF Release deck OPEN
Well playing my special Rif release deck and all was not well... I was Ahab I was hunting my great while Borg(whale) only problem no one brought the whales(Borg) for me hunt :(

Round 1ByeBY (0)
wee bye lalala...

Round 2KlingonRomulanKurtis CorreiaFW (+30)
Kurtis made a mistake and it saves the game for me, he let his ship be destroyed by a Borg cube dilemma forgetting he had temporal vortex in the deck, this was at the mission that would have easily won the game for his as the only other cards was a dead end. After that he used the temporal vortex to stop me destroying the Borg ship with my kurlined Ent-e however that used up his last Q-Ref on the table so I went and hit a couple of my missions for 2 more Borg ships and the win. the game was really his I count my lucky stars for this win, he had the better deck, I got lucky for the momentary forget fullness that save me.

Round 3FerengiNon-AlignedJames MonsebrotenML (-85)View opponent's Report
Well James knew what I planed to play and he came to counter it, myself forgetting to include stratigema among the 11 or so ref cards I stoked meant turn 1 he Q's planeted and balancing acted, followed by hitting a second under my first mission meant I was in the hole big time but he built a colony on that Q's Plant and my STA's decided to take it over alright I had a way out of the hole eventually however a last min change to my deck had taken the trechery x2 person out of it and I have no way to ever solve a mission with his dilemmas DOH! but I didn't not realize I'd taken the guy out game timed out with me trying to dig through my deck for a guy that wasn't in it and racking up colony points that would never count because of intermix lol... Also with him playing Ferengi I could never destroy a Borg ship for points as writ would just kill me.