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Kenneth Tufts (Worf Son of Mogh)
Tournament Report - 1E
2012-06-03 - 02:30 PM
CardassianFederationOTF Cardi/Fed TNG deck... Doing it Next Gen Style!
Playing my TNG FED/Cardi Treaty deck again I meant to modify it a bit to add some more mission specialists and AMS's but I forgot on well the deck is solid I stand buy it, but it seams I'm cursed on my quest for this particular treaty victor achievement 0-3 on attempts so far.

Round 1KlingonFederationBarbara CoppFW (+100)View opponent's Report
Barb was playing her New Kling-On to Voyager deck based on a neat concept of not wanting to give up her loved DQ people but playing in the AQ fro YaaM avoidance and treaties with Klingons for the cool name. despite being a very theme based deck it holds up as a decent tournament deck. WE both build up fro a couple of turns & then started attempting both partly clearing our first planets, then I solved my planet and earned the TTP, immediately dropping it on her Voyager vanishing her fast moving ship only 2 people on board unfortunately not the 7of9 I though was there for her nano-probes but with the fast moving ship tied up and 3 people stranded on a planet it was still huge blow, one that would prove fatal. I solved a space, barb started to get a second slow ship crewed to go pick people up but before it could arrive I solved a 3rd mission for the win 100-0. TTP was a HUGE help in game not sure if it was needed for the win but it definitely made the game a blow out when it other wise would have been close in the least.

Round 2FerengiKurtis CorreiaFL (-25)
Kurtis playing his TNG Ferengi Abomination, I knew when i saw it i was in some trouble as I know ruffly the 2 planet ferengi ambush combos he plays with and I did not have a primary counter for them I was going to have to solve my home-world with stratigema protection for my planet which would mean drawing the HQ: secure home-world. I was out faster and to a big lead solving 2 space missions before he had any thing, I then hit a brick wall I had not drawn my HQ: secure... I could easily have solved my 3rd space but there was no point a planet would give me the win either way and I only need a measly 25 more points, but a space would just be a chance to lose a few people and get points I didn't need. I started stalling Kurtis sending out the 2 Cardi ship fleet to battle and destroy his ships a bit keeping him a little more pined down. he eventually solved 2 missions and was some what bottle up as I was desperately turn after turn digging through my deck for the HQ: secure. No luck, (it turned out to be the absolute bottom card on my deck!), the turn before I would get it and easily win the game, (we peaked at the dilemmas after the game). Kurtis drew a new undamaged ship and went for it flying away to a plant and trying to chew through it knowing if he failed the ship would be gone and his people stranded forever. Unfortunately for me he had just enough to get through everything and wont the game 100-75.

Round 3ByeBY (0)
lala twiddle my thumbs and watch the other games weeee.