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Kenneth Tufts (Worf Son of Mogh)
Tournament Report - Tr
2012-06-24 - 07:45 PM
Year of the Dragon Tribble mk2
Playing Year of the Dragon Tribble achievement deck it didn't do so well but lots of fun was had, Roxanne was crazy HOT with poison/toxin fro 100k tribbles today she hit them with percentage that makes the field of statistics look like lies.

Round 1 ()
Kurtis rescued the Rainbow fast with 11312 Tribbels bred + 70k more from IDIC, however Roxanne had the lead thanks to poisoning me for 100001 Tribbles.

Round 2 ()
A moderate round with me and Roxanne both Poisoning for 100k I then went out with a weak 12312 tribbles bred.

Round 3 ()
Roxanne did a lot of poisons/toxins for 110111 Tribbles and Bren went out with 110421 Tribbles bred.

Round 4 ()
This was a crazy round for huge points a longer round which saw over 600k netted from poison/toxin, (300k Roxanne, 200k Bren, 100k Kurtis). Kurtis finally ended the round right after I masakaed to get rid of my HUGE hand and gave him a perfect set up of 3 cards he could chain and go out with he had only had 4 cards before compared to my mid teens! he bred a huge 545844 Tribbles with 140k more from IDIC, catapulting him in to the lead with over 800k tribbles!

Round 5 ()
A very quick round that saw Roxanne go out with 100223 Tribbles bred almost but not quite letting her catch Kurtis leaving our resident Tribbles master with another Tournament win.