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Kenneth Tufts (Worf Son of Mogh)
Tournament Report - 1E
2012-08-26 - 02:30 PM
FederationBarash next Gen Crew, CM android deck.
So goign for some new achevments this was a TNG crew quarters, Barash, deck with CM and androids as well.

Round 1FerengiKurtis CorreiaFL (-5)View opponent's Report
Kurtis was playign his ferengi horror, and as missions were seeded i kne wi was in some trouble I was playign very generic dilemmas and i had nto realyl built to counter his deck this time. I guessed wrong on where he woudl put his OP and he was at the missiosn with my weaker combos at them. He ahs also seeded 4 dilemmas at all of my planets with koby's on two of them as well, so i said ok I'm juts gona do the 3 space win thenI was runnign fast solving 2 for 45 and 55(ITZ to 50), mean while he solved a planet and started trippign friendly fires. I went for my 3rd space and cleared it tripping a friendly fire. The next turn knowing my Firendly fires woudl expier before his i went for a planet i knew was goign to be a bad idea i could onyl reach oen in the time aloted it had no Koby and I prepped best I could for the ferengi ambush keepign a team back with the requierments so they would not be stopped by battle now if i could just win the fight and stop the TI download comming... But when he picked 7 of my stongest for Den neral I was in toruble and dispite it being close he won the fight and locked the planet out then solved the ;last bare mission on his turn for the win. 100 to 95.

Round 2CardassianRoxanne BarbourFW (+30)View opponent's Report
Roxanne was playing her capture deck it always dose well in games just often fallign a fraction short of a win. I was fierign on all cyinaders quickly solvign a planet for 50 points but losing a few to capture dilemmas starting up her point gains, then Barash was ensnared shutting off oen of my play engiens. Roxanne then solved her planetand was ta 70, I still had a nice crew built up though and went for a space and solved for 50 giving me the win.

Round 3FederationJames MonsebrotenFL (-50)View opponent's Report
James playing an interesting metaphsic shield deck. the game started well enough both of use dumped a lot of people in to play fast and started attempting. I though i was doign well clearing a space misison down to a gomttu which i promptly failed with zero dip in play! So I went on to clearing the close planet both misisosn could be 50 points each fro a nice quick win though i had no bio in play yet wich i woudl need to solve it. a few turns later after diggign through my deck with all possibel draws well past the half way point I finaly drew my first dip comander troi, and went off to solve that space mission for 50. The next turn i drew mutipel bio and went for the planet only to come up on a diplomatic intervetion, in all this time James had been clearing and solving missions, and won that next turn before I could make my S.T.A. officers to kill those pesky diplomats, on that last turn my enterprise damage from the gonttu coudl nto reach my other 50 poitn plant sadly, and the 2 duped spaces EDS and RM both had 6 dilemmas a peice.

Closing Thoughts
2 loses 1 win though all games were close, a slight reverse on the past few months, where games have been close and I've been the one squeaking out the victories by the skin of my teeth.