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Kenneth Tufts (Worf Son of Mogh)
Tournament Report - 2E
2012-11-24 - 01:00 PM
MaquisNon-AlignedBut why male models? 2.1
so playing the second large number of achevments deck that my friend Barronmorris designed for me I'd already played it a few times at NA continetals events so I was going for win achevemtns, but with one new play achevemnt by taking the supprise party out.

Round 1James HuckinFW (+40)
James was the person that beat me last time playing this same deck the DS9 V starter it's a great littel deck that runs purty fast, as usual he was out fo the gate first and I was worried as my dilemma pile was mostly for achevments but the 3 hard times I added at the last minuet proved very usefull. James was still well ahead working on his second mission before I started on mine when he attempted and i figured he was sure to solve I graded a really usless consume 2 dillema as the only one since i had only a few points to spend and knew he could pass everything else I knew i had not drawn any all consuming eveils yet, but still had half my dilemma deck left, then the horse shoe arrived I consumed 2 all consuming evils and named navigation a mission skill, killing his only 2 there! This gave me the one elxtra turn I would need down the line, we both solved our second missions, I was 65 he was 60, having totaly fogoten to check fro the +5 points on his first space mission, and I didn;t even realize it had that text, so he had to go for his 40 point mission that doesnt let you attempt 2 turns in a row, his first turn at it i threw all i coudl and managed to hold him off BARLY, it woudl be an easy solve the next time he could attempt it. With that 2nd extra turn granted by him not beable to attempt i was able to compleat my last mission for the win.

Round 2BorgJulia Y-F ChenFW (+65)
BORG big bad borg, locutus was out fast making me worrie about dillema selection also knowing he would really make her pass a bunch of my actuly good of my dilemmas, she easly solved her first mission, at the second i drew what i thought was nothing that could slow her down, so I stacked about 5 consume worth of dillemas there, knowign again there were still 3 all consumign eveils in the half of my dillema pile that was left, I only hit one of them, but i also changed the mission from cunning to intgrety, hoping to stop the first crew and maby the second would nto have it i got really lucky, she filed the first attempt barly I having killed one skill she needed. the second ship had cunning and skills to easly solve it with the now 6 cards under it BUT not with integrety! That bought me the time I needed as the holograns were rollign and finishe dof their 3rd misison for the win.

Round 3FerengiKurtis CorreiaFW (+55)View opponent's Report
Kurt with his ferengi again, thsi time runnign much better then last time, first mission attemp he hits me with this horrable dillema that wants me to be less then half Non-Alinged... I'm playing non-alingned holos!!! and it returns! oh boy this could be horrable, luckly I had no points to lose as I normaly only hit 100 on the nose with this deck. I got through the mission on the 3rd attempt thanks to cluttering, and continued to on of my planets goign in with a smalish away team, i was stopped but got 2 under, i tryed again with a smallish 6 man team he stoped me again but i got a few more under. again i go givign him only 2 to spend now and he stops me! again, one last attempt with 6 and i solve. Working on my last planet he hits me with the stop same species dielemma, bam at least this oen goes under but now his pile has cycled and hes half way through it again I'm worried about that other one comming up, next attempt i make him shuffle, (thanks to that 0 cost event) and he sez thank you! oh no! it was the one dilemma he drew 2 turns before, when he only had 1 point, and i just suffed it back in!!!! ok I got lucky though he didnt draw it built a combo up but i was able to cluttering through it and solve for the win.

Closing Thoughts
This deck is a lot of fun to play, and totaly printable. I may have to try and work on a vertion that uses some of the revised holos as well, now that i don't need that achevemnt becase it is a fun deck.