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Kenneth Tufts (Worf Son of Mogh)
Tournament Report - 1E
2014-04-13 - 03:00 PM
BorgQapla' of borg 1.1
Playing my latest version of the Borg deck, as I ran out of time to make a new 1e achievement deck and I was sitting at 4 wins with Borg.

Round 1FerengiJFW (+70)
J had great Borg defenses with TI, BUT i was able to force a STP to hand of a fully loaded ship to stall him a bit, I did forget to scorch his hand after that but hey I'll take what i can get. I then just worked through 4 objectives before he could deal with my dilemma stall with mission debriefing.

Round 2BajoranFederationRichard DeLashmitMW (+52)
Richard was playing his very strong Fed mixed deck, he had TI and Ablative With a home world for safety, however he was not aggressive enough in his attempting, and I was able to maintain a lead through the game while my dilemmas slowed him down and cost him points, Time ran out but i was in full attempting mode and could easily have taken in to a full win before he could have caught up given enough time. But I'll take a MW over a loss any day :)

Round 3Justin FordFW (+75)
Justin was playing some half baked Borg deck in the DQ with 2 planets he could not attempt and a Kurlin for a Tac Cube, the tac cube and his BBD would hold off my standard Borg VR's Borg tech however he had zero missions with icons fro servicing probing and i just out sped him solving 4 objectives before he could do two.

Closing Thoughts
Yup Borg are still beasts, New arrivals helps get support cards out but it realllllly slows the drones in to play rate when opponent gets a Gen Quarters out, it's a fair trade off, that leaves the Borg with or with out new arrivals in about the same place.