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Roxanne Barbour (hyperlight)
Tournament Report - 1E Modern
2011-10-16 - 03:30 PM
Non-AlignedFederationKazonThe Kazon-Cardassian Alliance
This was a new deck combining the strengths of the Kazon (very few) with Cardassian support personnel. Some day the Kazon will rule, but not today! (perhaps when everyone else is having a "bad hair" day.

Round 1CardassianRomulanJames MonsebrotenFW (+55)View opponent's Report
James got off to a decent start. However, he was lacking in science, on the table, so he got stopped by my dilemmas. Since he only had 12 dilemmas, the first mission I attempted was not too difficult. At the last mission, I was stopped by a Friendly Fire, then I just waited for the countdown to expire for the win.

Round 2KlingonRomulanKenneth TuftsFL (-82)View opponent's Report
Against Ken's Klingon deck, I needed to race. I got a bit of an early start, and finished the first mission. However, a "Higher the Fewer" reduced my 30 points to 18. Then Ken quickly sped off for the win.

Round 3ByeBY (0)