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Roxanne Barbour (hyperlight)
Tournament Report - Tr Tribbles
2012-01-29 - 06:00 PM
Battle, Battle, Battle
Although in some practice rounds before the tournament, this deck performed quite well, it was not to be so in the actual tournament. I will give this battle deck another tournament try before I pull it to pieces.

Round 1 ()
Julia won with 111,333 tribbles. Everyone was having some strange draws as we went, at one point, more than eight times with no one having a '1'.

Round 2 ()
In round 2, my battles were failing. I reluctantly went out with 31,121 tribbles.

Round 3 ()
Round 3 had a 'Last Woman Standing' result. We started drawing out our decks; the guys went first, and then I did. So Julia was last with a whopping 567,969 tribbles.

Round 4 ()
Kurtis won this round with 565,455 tribbles. Again we were experiencing the no '1' syndrone.

Round 5 ()
In this round, Ken decked out with a '1' in his hand. I gave him 10,000 on a 'score' to keep him happy, and ahead of me in points--although, we were both pretty pathetic. Kurtis won the round with 567,766 for a grand total of 1,133,221.