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Roxanne Barbour (hyperlight)
Tournament Report - 1E
2012-06-03 - 02:30 PM
CardassianCardassian Capture - Ver 4
Another try with my Capture deck.

Round 1ByeBY (0)

Round 2titusFW (+10)
I went first in this game. AJ was playing Klingons. I managed to capture Gowron twice (I let him go once). He did see 5 lights. A few captured people, including Korris and Kurak. Win: 100-90. (I made a couple of tactical errors.)

Round 3FerengiKurtis CorreiaFL (-31)
Kurtis' Ferengi deck is very sweet! I was stuck needing 3 Officers. So I decided to Crell Dr. Farek, and I managed to get the officer I needed. However, a 100-69 loss.