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Kurtis Correia (CmdrSpork82)
Tournament Report - 1E Modern - Ferenginar Regional
2012-04-01 - 01:30 PM
RomulanFederationTerranThe Empire Tag Team
This is my Empire Tag Team Deck for the 2012 Regionals Tournament. It was a fun deck to play.

Round 1CardassianJulia Y-F ChenMW (+49)View opponent's Report
Julia was playing her Cardassian "Buffet Night" deck. The deck received a slow start due to not being able to play a ship on turn one, so crell couldnt have any blue rare frool steak. *sob* :( i wanted to see him eat frool! that was froolish! hahahahahahahah i know i m a dork so lets move on lol. I loved being able to transport all my people unlimited amounts of time from the mirror badlands to the alpha badlands :D. I ended up winning due to time being up.

Round 2CardassianDominionRoxanne BarbourFL (-13)View opponent's Report
I used my Transportimatation device to bring my people together in the alpha quadrant to kick some butt, but unfortunately roxanne won this match 100-87. but we did stall each other with matching edo probes.

Round 3BajoranCardassianJames MonsebrotenFL (-70)View opponent's Report
I let james go first in the match, which was a mistake apparently lol the sneaky and shifty trek player that he is lol. which was cool. He used some sneaky artifact the lets him deal with dilemmas backwards and snuck off a win!!!!

Round 4BajoranKenneth TuftsFL (-100)View opponent's Report
First off i have to say that i love playing in tournaments againt ken because he comes up with cool ways to challenge us in tournaments and in no way am i trying to put a negative light on ken, he played a deck that no one was expecting and i commend him for doing so. But i did not enjoy this match as much as i would have because of Time Travel Pod. i was lucky though, i would have been in a much worse state if it wasnt for the fact that my deck run two quadrants and i had drawn both Admiral Riker and U.S.S Prometheus. I had played A.R on the fed outpost in the Badlands which was Butt frick no where, and DL'ed the Future Enterprise which got me to the other end of the space line in two turns. I played the Prometheus at Romulus and placed all my roms on that one before ken played Time Travel Pod ("BOOOOOOO!!!! HISSS!!!!"). Ken won 100-0. I haven't been playing trek for that long back in the day or currently, but i have a opionion about Time Travel Pod. It should be banned the game doesn't need it and lets face it, the card is super cheesey and demoralizing even for an artifact. Also adding the way people can clear missions on one turn makes it a even more powerful card. Yes there are counters to this card, just like Temporal Rift, which was banned and then had an errata. lets face it this card needs to be looked at.