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Torbjörn Lindquist (Linkan)
Tournament Report - 2E Dangerous Missions Draft
2008-07-09 - 06:00 PM
This draft used a special version of DM draft packs includning packs for 5 new affiliations. It seems quite balanced and only minor modifications to the packs will be made till the next draft. I got the Borg draft pack and splashed it with Federation (At last we assimilated Earth! :) ).

Round 1ByeBY (0)
First bye since the new system was introduced, in 4 tournaments with odd number of players. Used the time to help Sahlin with some of the rules that we hadn't had the time to go through with him, as this was his first experience with STCCG (introducing new players at drafts actually works!).

Round 2CardassianMarkus SahlinFW (0)
Sahlins second game ever. My deck worked perfectly and it was a very quick game.

Round 3BajoranCarl TrulssonFW (0)
This was a really tough game, where Trulle was in the lead all the time. I had one chance to win the game, and so I sent 8 peeps to do the last mission, 4 borgs and 4 feds and second dilemma was Moral Choice. The chance he takes 3 borgs was only 7%, but he did and I won the game, otherwise he would have won it. Sometimes random is your best friend, or your worst enemy. And as we where the only two with 6 pts after round two, I won the tournament.