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Jon Carter (pfti)
Tournament Report - 1E - The Neutral Zone Regional
2020-04-03 - 12:00 AM

Round 1RomulanPopeFW (+100)View opponent's Report
THis game was wild and fun. Pope had his d'derdexis all over the place ambushing my small ships. I was able to get through insurection and was working on paxan, but an armus energy field plus ambushes made that very unsafe. Luckily Insurection had been burried alive, so I didnt need the space. So i ran to romulous went with a 25 person crew (they hit a 1 flash including an hide and seek that stopped 15 people. But they solved. I then ran back to mine dilithum and solved it for 25 (including Mission specialists) because it got sheliaked early in the game. Cards of the game: Anij saved me from some clutch ambushes. Mission specialists allowed me the 3 mission win. Play of the game: Pope putting topological anomaly at Paxan to send my crew to the far end of the spaceline. Honorable mention: space ameoba plus romunan ambush. some great tech

Round 2FederationMathew McCalpinFW (+100)View opponent's Report
I just spewed out guys and solved really fast. That made it more or less a run away

Round 3RomulanKris SonstebyFL (-18)
This came down to a bad opening hand (I took me three turns to start moving where every other game I attempted on turn 1) Then on what was clearly my last turn, I went for my own mission rather than the steal, this left we 1 range short of attempting my HQ after solving. That turned out the be the game changer.

Round 4FederationStephen PFW (+65)
I just spewed out guys and solved really fast. That made it more or less a run away

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