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Michael Shea (The Prefect)
Tournament Report - 2E - Cardassia Regional
2014-05-17 - 12:00 PM
TOSIt was ... fun!
I tried a variation of the TOS Battle Deck I took to my last tournament. It faired well, but I think I overworked it and it wasn't as fast as it should have been. It came down to the final game and a misstep on my part against the kind of deck, and player, against which missteps cannot be tolerated. All in all, 3-1 and I'll keep a variation of this deck with me at all times.

Round 1AdamBrautigamFW (+100)
Played against a Relativity Deck - first time. And it was really cool, I think I'll investigate it further. My deck worked the way it should have - put two damage markers on the Relativity before I even attacked. Blew it up, which in hindsight I probably shouldn't have done as it gave him access to a richer discard pile. My opponent didn't notice I'd played Daystrom for the extra cost because he was concentrating on how to recover and he gave me my second mission for the win. 100-0.

Round 2DS9Kevin ReitzelMW (-50)
Played the TD's infamous DS9 medical teams deck and again blew him up at space. McCoy made his only appearance the whole tournament here which helped and I ended up taking the modified win rather than playing out one last turn (time was called right as I finished). In retrospect, the modified win meant I ended up placing 4th rather than 2nd, put I felt I couldn't take the chance that the crafty TD could pull two missions out in one turn - he's been known to. 50-0.

Round 3TNGMatthew Montgomery FW (+30)View opponent's Report
Played a TNG speed solver. This is where my having slowed my deck down hurt as he was out and attempting before I was ready. I blew him up anyway and denuded him of his needed Science which ended up saving my ass in the final turn - and it didn't hurt that he hadn't noticed he ran out of Science and kept attempting anyway. This one was a squeaker. 100-65.

Round 4RomulanGreg HodginFL (-50)View opponent's Report
This was the match I'd been waiting for, and I blew it. My deck worked great. But a 2AM tech against TOS Battle and my neglecting to READ THE MISSIONS cost me a turn which was all he needed in the end. I fought him all the way but it came down to a race for the last mission. I had 6 dilemmas under my own and had managed to get rid of his Endangered. An unlucky random pull on Discommendation ended the game and Setek is my white whale! 50-100.

Closing Thoughts
My TOS Battle variant was a product of a discussion that started on the forums between me and TK and several other players, all of whom were very helpful. I am continuing to learn and I'll try to figure out what I did to slow this down and fix it, without resorting to net-decking. Assuming I can do that, this will be a go-to deck for me to pull out whenever people have forgotten about it.