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Michael Shea (The Prefect)
Tournament Report - 2E
2014-07-27 - 06:00 PM
Terok NorHurry Martha, hurry!
I brought a variant on a Terok Nor deck I won with previously. It was well suited for the meta I played in today. Essentially - the deck works like this: use Our Deaths, Tackings and Dukat's order to keep an opponent from playing needed events. Go planet first once my ETUs are out. Reserve at least one ruling council for unstop. Let Chula slow down my opponent while I amass dilemmas.

Round 1Rachel LewisFW (+100)
My strategy as outlined above worked great against this event-heavy deck. I used Chula economically to keep her from scoring a single mission.

Round 2Zach RigoleFW (+100)
Zach was playing a TOS battle deck for his first tournament. I stayed the hell away from space making this a three mission deck for me, which allowed me to save all of my Ruling Councils for unstops. By the time he pivoted away from an attack strategy, it was too late.

Round 3Michael ParrishFW (+70)
Parrish gave me the most trouble. He got rid of all of my Ruling Councils with Minor Revolt+Dreamer. But, in the end Chula kept him at bay long enough for me to recover. He wasn't using that many events or interrupts which allowed me to use my Dukat for the skills.

Closing Thoughts
The meta was with me this time, and I know it. I long for the day when Terok Nor is viable in more competitive play against more diverse decks. As it was, I faced two opponents in a row who relied heavily on event play, and this deck is tailor-made to deal with that. Had someone been playing a speed-solver, or something like a Relativity deck, I would have been toast.