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Daniel Matteson (OKCoyote)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event
2014-03-03 - 12:00 AM
BajoranCardassianOne Weird Trick
I found a Bajoran/Cardassian treaty deck and updated it with newer stuff, playing for the treaty achievement. Most personnel play for free with Bajoran Resistance Cell, Chamber of Ministers, Central Command, and occasionally even First Minister Shakaar, plus ASP/DWE downloading. Threw Crell Moset in there for more fun.

Round 1DominionSebastian KirsteinFW (+100)
Seppel was playing Dominion but made some early mistakes. He downloaded Jem'Hadar Warship as his primary ship instead of Dominion Battleship, having misread how Crew Reassignment worked, and that slowed him down a couple turns. He flew to my homeworlds, attempting to kill people via Orbital Bombardment. This never worked as every time he attempted he got a bad probe. Eventually I played a souped up Groumall (with System 5 Disruptors) and enough freighters to actually destroy the Jem'Hadar ship in one attack, but before I got the chance he returned it to hand with STP. With 30 cards (!) in his hand, I hit him with Scorched Hand, followed by a White Deprivation after his replayed Jem'Hadar didn't come with Ketracel-White. This just set him back too many turns, and I was able to take my time solving enough missions to get to 100 before he could rebuild.

Round 2FerengiMatthew TingFL (-73)
I forgot I had started this tournament report with the intention of adding to it each week, and I didn't add to it each week. So, this may or may not get filled in later.

Round 3Niall MatthewFW (+20)

Round 4CardassianMatthew ZinnoML (-40)View opponent's Report

Round 5DominionChristopher CoyleML (-6)