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Justin Kaufman (CrimsonRavage)
Tournament Report - 1E - Andoria Regional
2013-05-04 - 12:00 PM
FerengiFerengi Regionals
I decided to bring a Ferengi deck as I had never played them before.

Round 1CardassianFederationJames HeaneyFL (-95)View opponent's Report
James was able to go through his missions before I was. I cleared about a mission or two, but I couldn't solve them.

Round 2ByeBY (0)
Took a bye this round.

Round 3BorgDan Van KampenML (-40)View opponent's Report
Once I saw that Dan was playing Borg, I knew I had to get points fast. I moved the Mercenary ship towards my Trading Post once I could staff it. I cleared the one space mission with the mercenary ship and solved with the Ferengi. I was unable to clear any other missions once the Borg caught up with me.

Round 4FederationDaniel J. WasowiczMW (+75)
During this game I got a really good opening had and Waso had a really bad one. Once he did get a ship out, he ran into Ankari "Spirits" which hurt. I was able to solve a couple of missions before time ran out.

Closing Thoughts
We had a good day with our biggest constructed turnout yet since last fall.