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Julia Y-F Chen (LadyFenix)
Tournament Report - 1E Modern
2011-11-27 - 03:30 PM
3rd time playing the cardassian deck. What can I say.. I love the cardassian.. I try to change my strategy everytime I play it. Slowly getting better.. Each time I play it I move up in rank. Today tournament was a close match for everyone.. balance of the win was hanging by a thread.. a memorable tournament.

Round 1HirogenRoxanne BarbourFW (+100)View opponent's Report
Went first.. Open the turn one with 4 peeps and a boat (aka ship). Once I got enough staffing for mission requirements, I race to finished my mission. got stalled by some roxanne's dilemas.. but I took out her entire security personnels with Artillary attack which stop her from completing her missions.. woot!!!

Round 2BajoranCardassianKenneth TuftsFL (-29)View opponent's Report
Facing the Grandmaster of Star Trek. I came prepare to lose. But not without a fight. We had duplicate mission for Cardassian homeworld so neither one of us was wanting to do that mission. He stole my space mission (theif!), however I was one turn away from winning but he sweep the table with the double turn from Insurrection/Son'a Observatory... again!!! Close match indeed.

Round 3TerranKurtis CorreiaFW (+10)View opponent's Report
Playing against the mirror deck by Kurtis. I was distracted by the cool personnels that he has.. but none the less we both race to complete each mission.. I tried to kill a few of his personnels but his equipment saved them.. (shake fist). I finished my missions first.. close match... again.