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Pat Bortz (bortz65)
Tournament Report - 2E
2013-01-12 - 12:00 PM
CardassianKlingonCardassian Capture 1-2013
Still trying to perfect my Cardy Capture deck. Kruge is still the best capture card in the game and the only easy way to capture in space. NOTE: We Are Back is not in this deck. It accidently got added to the decklist.

Round 1TOSJames BookerML (+65)
Most tech game of the day. Drew Croden in my opening hand. Slightly misplayed him. I thought he played for free or scored 5 points. Upon closer reading he makes the next card -4 to play. Didn't affect the game, since Booker chose the 5 point option. I've noticed the earlier I get Croden the more likely I'm to get 5 points. I'd rather have the 5 point to power my All Out War. Booker attempts a mission I shred his personnel leaving three on the ship. Next turn fly over and use Kruge to capture Enterprise-B and 3 pers. Later in the game attempt to play Labor Camp. It's countered. Play All Out War beat up his crew some more. Booker plays Number One and releases his captured peeps. (UGH) Booker attempts and I play Uninvited. It's countered by Sisko. I send Odo down with a weapon play Arrest Order. It is countered. I attempt a mission a couple times but his dilemmas shred most of my Cardassians and I'm not drawing many personnel. Game goes to time with Booker winning. Timed Loss for me with one captured ship

Drew Croden in my opening hand a second time. Once again I get 5 points. Brad playing Cadets attempts and I shred him down to 3 pers. Fly over and use Kruge capture them and Enterprise-D (plus one equipment that gets stranded on my new Klingon Enterprise.) Brad rebuilds and I keep tossing Cardassians at missions. My Dilemmas keep shredding his peeps. He makes one last stab at a mission. I play Uninvited. He counters it. I play a second. Use it to get a Bold Plan (the only 0 Dil that has a chance) He hits the one All Consuming Evil I knew was left and his last Leadership gets killed. Brad conceds since he can't solve missions. Full Win for me with 3 captured personnel and 1 captured ship.

Round 3CardassianRoss FertelFW (+65)
Cardys vs Cardys. I draw 2 Christenings in my opening hand and no ships. Ross attempts gets shredded down. He rebuilds and attempts again. There are a ton of Dilemmas under the mission and I don't have anything to prevent the solve. He attempts a planet mission and is stopped with 5 or 6 personnel on planet. Ross has left some peeps on his ship I fly over then use Kruge capture them and the Groumall. Before I battle I beam Odo down and his crew is stuck there for three turns while Odo captures 3 more people. I'm at 95 points and Ross concedes. Full win for me with 8 captured personnel and 1 captured ship.

Closing Thoughts
This version of the deck seems pretty strong, but I'd like to test it out some more. The Original Series Number One and Benjamin Sisko really work against it. I think there are a couple counters I could try to put in there that work on personnel so I can take away their abilities. I like having Kira in my deck, but will have to take her out since her skills are redundent and she kinda got in the way in the first game when I needed Cardys.