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Pat Bortz (bortz65)
Tournament Report - 2E
2015-11-14 - 01:00 PM
RomulanThe Asterisk War 11-2015
Mission Solving Wariness deck with Chula Dilemma Pile. Despite the win the deck feels slow and takes a while to get going. I did everything I could to get the cost of Personnel down and get more counters. Energize. Surprise Party. Bochra. Product Placement. At What Cost? I'd like to play 5 or 6 more games with it against other affiliations to know if it really works. MVP Card: Rogue Borg Ambush. MVP Personnel: Ptol.

Round 1Jack GilletFW (+100)

Round 2TOSDerek MarlarFW (+100)

Round 3John Paul VeaseyFW (+95)