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Derek Marlar (winterflames)
Tournament Report - 1E - The Void Regional
2022-06-11 - 02:00 PM
FederationSent the E to blow up planets
I played a Enterprise E deck whose goal was only do planet missions, and blow them up after. I used Nexus, Self dilemmas, and whale probe to make life difficult for the opponent.

Round 1StarfleetstressedoutatumcFL (-100)View opponent's Report
I moved the whales to Starfleet HQ, and accomplished exactly 0 missions. I need better skill mix. I hate Transporter Inhibitor. And his little Cat, too.

Round 2ByeBY (0)
I sat this one out.

Round 3FederationDanny Rice MW (+10)View opponent's Report
His Pike/Cadets/Admirals deck would have mopped the floor with me if he hadn't been so distracted by the mess I made of his spaceline. I made him pull the valiant and replay it to avoid losing a free report to the Nexus. Then I turned the Nexus around and sent it back the other way and trapped Starship Enterprise, old slow ship that it is, in the past for a few turns. Very narrow win at time. My points were half missions, half Assimilated Vessel-Whales-NexusDr.

Round 4FederationAlex MarlarFL (-60)
I got whomped. This kid knows how to optimize his decks.

Closing Thoughts
I need a new skill mix. And Disruptor Overload. I stuck Baroner in there for this purpose, but forgot to make room for the interrupt.