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Matthew Ting (Wedge772)
Tournament Report - 1E - Online Event (Mission to Talos IV)
2013-10-07 - 12:00 AM
RomulanFederationTalos IV - Season 3 - Episode 1
Premiere cardpool with a few additions, I was thinking Kevin Uxbridge is a necessity for this format. Built a Kevin heavy Fed/Rom deck, hoping opponent plays Red Alert. Dilemmas are selected to allow for a potential 2 mission win with bonus points.

Round 1RomulanFederationJFW (+15)View opponent's Report
Oh no, a Fed/Rom opponent! Fortunately, only 2 missions were duplicated. Even more fortunately, he was running 6 planets. Doing the math, this meant that if I could trigger my 2 x Balancing Act he probably had no way of winning the game on points. I raced to try to complete Investigate Massacre quickly, one of the duplicated missions, triggering the first Balancing Act. I get hit by Alien Parasites + STP back to hand (never knew that combo worked!), leaving the mission open for J to take. It was still a race to get the attributes in play, 1 more turn and I would have had it. Went to Investigate Anomaly next, hitting a Menthar Boody Trap / Tsiolkovsky combo which stalled my ship. Looking at the position of J's D'deridex, I had to use a Wormhole to get it back to my outpost. J got stopped at the other duplicated mission (Investigate Raid) which I managed to snatch out from him after he cleared dilemmas. Eventually the other Balancing Act hit, but J was ahead of points so his only option was to KFC me for a double deck out. Kevins stopped that, and I managed to finish a 3rd mission for the win. Great game, would have lost if not for Balancing Act x2.

Round 2ByeBY (0)

Round 3RomulanKenneth TuftsFL (-100)View opponent's Report
After the first Kivas > Kevin > Q2 exchange, I could see where this was going. I did manage to get a solving crew out, but failed to draw into a 2nd lady for Matriarchal Society. I also couldn't go to my space mission, knowing I'd hit my self-seeded Cytherians, and without having drawn Wormhole. This effectively locked me out of the 2 missions I needed to win, and going to any of my other missions would have resulted in needing 3 missions, which I couldn't see happening. A well deserved win for Ken, who was very familiar with what could be done in the meta for this format.

Closing Thoughts
Much learned from these games, especially the weakness of Premiere era space dilemmas. Hopefully I'll be more dangerous next year :)