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Justin Ford (Resistance-is-futile)
Tournament Report - 2E
2015-03-15 - 12:00 PM
TOSTOS Battle 1.0
Well it was time to play something other then Relativity, so I took a look at Corbett's and TK's TOS battle decks for inspiration and made several tweaks from there - one mainly slimming deck down and making it smaller.

Round 1RomulanAmber Van BreemenTT (0)
VS Romulan denial deck: Worked fairly good, stopped in space by gomtuu but no dreamer hit. Did manage to pop the bird of prey with gomtuu on it for a decent stall to start in on a mission. Time was called and we both only had one space mission solved.

Round 2LeianneFW (+100)
VS TNG: After getting stopped by gomtuu and having the enterprise destroyed it took a long time to recover from this for Leianne, giving me ample time to solve 3 missions for the win.

Round 3VoyagerRichard DeLashmitMW (+5)
VS Voyager: watched as Richard got stopped on his second attempt in space by gomtuu then I marched over and popped voyager with 6+ onboard. He later replayed voyager several turns down the road with 2 chuckles bros and managed to steam through his space mission. I did manage to hold him to the one mission barely, and solve my space and ent-B 10 pts to put me just ahead when time was called.

Round 4BajoranKenneth TuftsFL (-100)View opponent's Report
VS Bajoran Treacherous Pigs: This was going to be an interesting match, Ken has seen this deck before several times so he knew what to expect. He started off with several SSRBs that got nuked by Decker and Chekov/Decker which actually in hindsight through me behind more then it did ken. I did manage to stall ken several turns at space but could not draw a ship. He managed to go through his two planets fairly quickly with several cheaters in bajorans he has.

Closing Thoughts
The deck did just okay, one thing I noticed was the planet version of the dilemmas are weaker then space so if people push through their space mission doing planets second and/or third they will walk through it much easier. I think I might remove a couple universal people and add a second Chekov and Decker to improve some defense there. For the dilemmas, I think I might look into changing the planet setup and maybe split gomtuu with another space damage dilemma for SSRB in the future. Solid base deck design but I will improve upon my rendition of it.