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Jason Tang (PantsOfTheTalShiar)
Tournament Report - 1E - Andoria Regional
2021-06-05 - 04:00 PM
DominionDominion/Cardassian Labor Camp 1.3
Time constraints mean that I needed to grab a ready-built deck for this tournament, of which I had three choices: TNG Feds, Dom/Car Labor Camp, and Dom Infiltration. I was a little tired of TNG Feds, and I felt Infiltration was inappropriate since South Dakota tournaments always have a few less-experienced players. That left me with Dom/Car Labor Camp, knowing full well that The Devil has seen an increase in play. I wasn't about to chicken out from playing the deck I wanted to play most. As they say in the M:TG community, "make them have it."

I go second in every game.

Round 1Non-AlignedMark MustonMW (+35)
I filled the spaceline with countdown dilemmas, preventing Mark from solving more than one mission, and I was able to solve Chart Stellar Cluster plus get my Labor Camp points to put me ahead when time was called.

Round 2BorgAaron ArnoldMW (+15)
Aaron was relatively new to the game and to his TNG Borg deck, but he was very eager to play and was a good student. He played The Devil on my Treaty on turn 2 or 3, so I was stuck playing mono-Dominion. I try to Res-Q and replay the treaty over two turns, knowing full well that decks with The Devil are likely to either have multiple copies and/or Quinn, but again, "make them have it." Aaron does indeed have Quinn for my treaty. Given all that, my deck coped pretty well, although I forgot that my deck wants to attempt with small expendable crews and so I lost a ship and 6-8 personnel to a self-controlled combo.

Fortunately, my dilemmas targeted skills TNG Borg don't have, so Aaron was only able to complete one objective, and Internment Operations + Labor Camp points put me ahead.

Round 3BajoranKris SonstebyML (-1)
This game was a nail-biter and I can't do it justice right now. I totally had the ability to win this game, but funnily enough getting the MW would still mean that Kris wins the tournament.

Closing Thoughts
Yay Star Trek Cards!