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bunz (bunz)
Tournament Report - 1E - Worlds Day One
2013-10-18 - 10:00 AM
Non-AlignedHirogenVidiianDraw 25 and Play 10 for free
This was my FIRST time I played with physical cards to an real opponent! There are 6 Month experience online. So for this there causes two special problems: 1) I didn't know time is limited to 75 minutes (and not 2,5h like online) 2) I did things like discarding dilemmas stopped opponents so they can see the next (to plan next visit) ... also: dilemma cards moved a lit so you could see "next is Dead End" or what ever. Also because of misunderstandings about different rules I had to rebuild a new version of my deck. Sleving (printable) Cards takes me to long so I got not enough sleep (no sleep: 30h at Start of Event). My Draw-Deck had more than 250 Cards, performs about 25 draws a turn and gives me 9 free plays a turn. I am totally angry about not been able to show I could beet the Worlds-Winner with this deck, because I had 6 Missions where to come out with personals and ships and also a lot Wormholes in. So the Slow-Down of the long spaceline didn't effect me. But on the other side Decks like Danny Nuttall I cannot stop fast enough maybe. But: It could be more ... I could arrive. Special Thanks to: 1) Jonathan Carter, tested the legality and gave last tips 2) Matthew Ting, gives me two training sessions to try out the previous deck

Round 1DominionAndreas DietrichML (-1)
Andreas is a nice person from germany ... maybe the only on with Balancing Act aboard ;-) He knows not to give me a lot bonus for Parallax so I run into Balancing Act -50 Points. Short after this I solved my Space mission by 30 Points. Result: -20 to 0 That IS COOL, Andreas !!! :-D

Round 2KlingonNiall MatthewFL (-80)View opponent's Report
Mister Card-Tricks ;-) He is the guy has eyes like a eagle - first he see some dilemmas while I sort my cards in seeding phase - during the game I captured one of his guys by a Dilemma (sorry I have not in mind all the card names I used) ... that stopped the attempt. Maybe he has to play a Jail on me for this (because I thought about my dead now), but I discarded my dilemma and after that I flipped the pile - so he knows the next dilemma *jail*. Two turns later he came back and did it with 50 Points. Great job - Dan :-P I got 20 Bonus-Points - maybe a way to say thank you ... I don't know. But of cause I had enough personnel to attempt my Space mission. Because my misunderstanding of rules (and bad English... you know) ... I thought "causing card" on Mona Lisa means: If his Dilemma is V'Ger kills my ship reduce him by 25 Points. So I let Kes (Empath x2) on Outpost and run ... to the Rules-Master present there :-( After two Jails ... and a "please a little bit more silently - headache" later he finished the game short before end of time. Great Deck-Idea Sir :-)

Round 3Hirogenoscar rubergML (-70)
This game loose was related to hard problems of concentration! There where a lot of chances I could make him slower preventing downloads and fire him away from spaceline before he could solve the first mission. Especially there is the Mona Lisa. But I didn't seed my Hirogen-Outpost on his place... instead I place it at the other end of spaceline. *clapping to dan* I didn't use my Duras from Dilemma right on his ship and also I didn't steal missions: After I was stopped on my own missions I decided to steal his missions. But to do this you have to know what is under there. Yes of cause - my own dilemmas. But any? :-/ and what skills you need for each dilemma? (I didn't use combos - I only used walls and captures - unusual related to online tournament I participated) I got 20 he 90 (maybe 30 out of time - we didn't hear the first Request for time is up)

Round 4ByeBY (0)
YES YES YES *sleep* Wake up a little bit fitter but totally nervous because of out of balance.

Round 5FederationRafael PalentaMW (+20)
I started with -10 Points because of I looked under my Mission searching for one of my own Dilemmas. Sorry once more for this. For this I didn't attempt missions in this quadrant (other games I attempted nearly all my missions). Right in the first round a attempted and got Lake of Preparation (yes I do not forgot this title *g*). So better we say: I started with -20 :-D The same procedure like every game I try to solve my space mission expecting evil dilemmas. But at the end I could solve also with mission specialists and got 40 Points. He didn't gave me Bonuses - so I got my 25 Carddraws a turn. His Ocular Implantats helped him a lot - but I got him by capturing the right diplomacy so he was slowed down till the end. So I won with 20 Points to 0 of him. He told me after that: It doesn't bring me benefit to do the way I draw so much cards. He is right for an opponent with a deck like Danny Nuttall. But if he would stop me with capturing - there are 3 Kobayashi Maru Scenario preventable teams in my deck for each mission. And the most I got by Holodeck Door form Tent.

Closing Thoughts
To all the Players I played online and I didn't say "hello thats me": I was so tired - it was only a trip like: I couldn't give up on the last short if I run a marathon ... for me and the people helped me. But I reduced myself to outlive this day. Back on the car I drive half a hour and need to sleep (safety first). (thats to: Rem, Stefan, Johannes, Paddy, Danny and Ken) [If you like the story say thank you to J - he pleased me to write it to all]