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Derrick Marsh (HoodieDM)
Tournament Report - 1E - Qo'noS Regional
2013-05-25 - 10:00 AM
CardassianKeeping Up With The Cardassians 13.05.26
So I tried Cardassians again to see if I could make them legit. I keep tweaking this deck out. I just want to win with them for once! LoL

Round 1BorgSean O'ReillyML (-8)View opponent's Report
First time playing against a Borg deck. I held my ground, but Sean was just blitzing through my dilemmas. It's pretty annoying how Borg are. Sharing all of the skills basically makes them eat up skill dilemmas. He never ran into my Denevan Neural Parasites and he had his cube and sphere running around attempting missions, making it easy for him. I couldn't capture anything either to score bonus points.

Round 2FederationJames BookerML (-30)
This game I should have won. I attacked his Duck Blind personnel and forgot to use the WC text to capture them. I'd of had bonus points coming in by turn 4 probably. He also Sona NA ship battled my Supply Freighter which had like 15 peeps of mine on it. I should have Space-Time Portal, but wasn't thinking. He ended up scoring enough points to keep me at bay for the modified win/loss.

Round 3ByeBY (0)
A bye...yippie! It's okay, I was hoping to play some more, but a break was fine.

Closing Thoughts
Still working out tweaks. The Meta here in Cleveland is different than what I saw in Chicagoland and been reading online. Some could exposure and practice. Still work on tweaks when I can. Fun overall, thanks guys!