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Al Schaefer (ltkettch17)
Tournament Report - 2E
2017-08-27 - 12:00 PM
StarfleetStarfleet, cuz why not
Hadn't touched my cards at all since the regional. While looking through my deckbag before the tournament, I noticed the Starfleet Battle deck I had assembled before nationals. I remembered that it hadn't won a game or destroyed a ship for me - so I went with it.

Round 1VoyagerCasey WickumML (-70)
Casey was playing all space Voyager, which should actually be a good matchup for me. Unfortunately, my opening hand had no personnel or ships, so I had to discard several useful verbs early on. I got 2 damage counters on both Voyager and Delta Flyer, though not at the same time, but I couldn't get either ship destroyed before B'lanna showed up. Alternatives to Fighting was the MVP of the game for me, really great against the Delta Flyer. May have missed an opportunity to destroy a ship when I played Logan Black, but was more focused on bringing out a ship instead of downloading a maneuver event. I think they were all gone at that point, but there may have been one left. I did get a Dreamer off in this game as well. It all sounds pretty good, but I couldn't get a mission complete. Casey seemed to know that I had no Geology in the whole deck. I had Gannet Brooks in play, but he was more than confident that I had no Geo in hand as well. Infinite Diversity and Rapid Progress was all he needed to stop the handful of personnel that showed up.

Round 2BorgEric BiecheFW (+65)
Eric's spider senses told him I was playing ship destruction today and started off attempting both his planet missions. I drew some decent people this game and finished my first two missions AND remembered to stack dilemmas with Jupiters text. By the time I got to Terra Nova, I had enough dilemmas stacked to lower the attribute requirements by the full 10. Eric didn't have enough dilemmas to make the stop and I got the FW without firing a shot.

Round 3BajoranMaggie GeppertMW (+15)
Maggie was playing her neu Bajor deck again and while I joked about the Orbs earlier in the day, I know they're nothing to underestimate. Alpha 5 was the MVP in this game, otherwise Maggie would have been micro teaming like crazy. I got 2 damage markers on her ship, but again couldn't finish it off. I forgot about Metron Arena and tried to get of Opaka and Dax at one point with Dukat. I was a little upset with myself for doing this, but I don't think it hurt me. She never had the range to go over and get them, and they weren't in her discard pile for her to utilize any other way. I finally got to use Lustful Distraction to destroy Lingering Grief, but it was a turn after she used it. I did complete Jupiter after a misplay on Maggie's part, but did not stack dilemmas for at least two turns. I was well onto my last mission but time was called on Maggie's turn, I held off her team well enough to hold onto the MW, but didn't get the chance to close it out.

Closing Thoughts
Had a fun time today, it's been quite a while since I had played but I was pretty happy with the result. I definitely could have played better at times, but I don't think the mistakes had a major impact on the results of my games. I've definitely got some ideas to improve the deck and bring it back at a later date. In the games with Casey and Eric, I definitely drew a lot of interrupts and events and had a tough time getting personnel in play. Balancing it all out and making the most of what you have seems to be the key to the deck.