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Al Schaefer (ltkettch17)
Tournament Report - 2E Race to the Alpha Quadrant
2009-12-06 - 12:30 PM
Playing Evek Capture V1.0

Round 1ByeBY (0)
Gave myself a bye.

Round 2DominionEdward PigmanFW (0)
Evek worked great, deck was about as fast as expected. I feel like I wait too long to do anything. Tribunal was not as effective as I would have liked, one copy was canceled by Our Death is Glory, but definitely a major component in the win.

Round 3FerengiDS9Maggie GeppertML (0)
Maggie Tongo'd enough dilemmas to basically solve two missions easily. Evek whiffed due to top deck manipulation, was forced to use ensnared in mid-late game to get two captives. Deck was generally too slow and gave the Ferengi engine too much time to setup before attempting missions. Tribunal sentencing was canceled again, need to be able to protect events on table. Decklist has been updated to v1.1 in order to help with these issues.